Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/816

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786 The Catholic South. PRINCIPAL HISTORIES. Boehmer^ E. Bibliotheca Wiffeniana, Spanish Reformers of two Centuries from 1620. 2 vols, published. Strassburg and London. 1874, 1883. Cantu, C. Gli Eretici d' Italia. 3 vols. Turin. 1865-7. Carvalho, A. Heroulano de. Historia da Origem e do Estabelecimento da Inquisi9ao em Portugal. 3 vols. Lisbon. 1864, 1867, 1872. Castro, A. de. Historia de los Protestantes espanoles. Cadiz. 1851. Eng. translation by T. Parker. London. 1851. Comba, E. I nostri Protestanti. 2 vols, published. Florence. 1881, 1897. Gerdes, D. Specimen Italiae Reformatae. Leyden. 1766. Leva, G. de. Storia Documentata di Carlo V. Vol. in. Venice. 1867. Llorente, J. A. Histoire critique de I'lnquisition d'Espagne. 4 vols. Paris. 1818. McCrie, T. History of the Reformation in Italy. Edinburgh. 1827. New edition, 1855. History of the Reformation in Spain. Edinburgh. 1829. New edition, 1856. Menendez y Pelayo, M. Historia de los Heterodoxos Espanoles. 3 vols. Madrid. 1880-2. Philippson, M. Zeitalter von Philipp II. und Elizabeth. 2 vols. Berlin. 1882-5. La Contre-Revolution religieuse du xvi° siecle. 1884. Schafer, E. Beitrage zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus und der Inquisition. 3 vols. Giitersloh. 1902. Wilkens, C. A. Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus. Giitersloh. 1888. SPECIAL TREATISES. {Many of the following hooks contain documents previously unpublished.) Agostini, A. Pietro Camesecchi e il Moviraento Valdesiano. Florence. 1899. Amabili, L. II santo Officio deUa Inquisizione in Napoli. 2 vols. Citta di Castello. 1892. Amante, B. Giulia Gongaza. Bologna. 1896. Antonio, N. Bibliotheca Hispana Nova. 2 vols. Madrid. 1783-8. BaiTos y Sousa, M. F. de. See Santarem. Battistella, A. II s. Officio e la Riforma in Friuli. (With documents. ) Udine. 1895. Benrath, K. Uber die Quellen der italienischen Reformations-Geschichte. Bonn. 1876. Bernardino Ochino von Siena. Leipzig. 1875. New Edition. 1892. English translation without the documents. London. 1876. Geschichte der Reformation in Venedig. Halle. 1887. Julia Gonzaga. Halle. 1900. Bemino, D. Istoria di tutte 1' Eresie. iv. Venice. 1746. Bertolotti, A. Martiri del libero pensiero. 1891. Bock, F. S. Historia Antitrinitariorum. Vol. ii. Konigaberg and Leipzig. 1784. Boehmer, E. Franzisca Hernandez und Frai Franzisco Ortiz. Leipzig. 1865. Bonnet, J. Vie d'Olympia Moi-ata. 3rd ed. Paris. 1856. Boverio da Saluzzo, Z. Annali de' Fratri minori Cappucini. Venice. 1643. Braun, W. Cardinal Gasparo Contarini. 1903. Bruni, L. Cosimo I. de' Medici e il processo d' eresia del Camesecchi. Turin. 1891. Caballero, F. A. Vida de Melchor Cano. Madrid. 1871. ■ Juan y Alfonso Valdes. Madrid. 1875. Cantii, C. Storia degli Italiani. Vol. x. 1876.