Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/818

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788 The CatJiolic South. Sandonnini, T. Ludovico Castelvetro. Bologna. 1882. Santarem, M. F. de Barros y Sousa^ Vise, de^ and others. Quadro Elementar das RelafSes Politicas de Portugal. Vols, x, xi, xn. Paris and Lisbon. 1866, 1869, 1874. Schellhorn, J. G. Amoenitates Literariae. 14 vols. Frankfort and Leipzig, 1725-31. Amoen. Historiae ecclesiasticae et litterariae. 2 vols. Frankfort and Leipzig. 1737-«. De Consilio de emendanda Ecclesia. Zutich. 1748. Ergotzlichkeiten aus der Kirchenhistorie und Literatur. 3 vols. Ulm and Leipzig. 1761-4. Schiess, T. Rhetia, von F. Niger aus Bassano. [With biographical notice of Negri.] Chur. 1897. Schmidt, C. Peter Martyr Vermigli. Elberfeld. 1858. Sclopis, F. Le Cardinal Jean Morone. 1869. Sixt, C. H. Petrus Paulus Vergerius. Brunswick. 1855. Later edition with additions. 1871. Ticknor, G. History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 4th ed. Boston, Mass. 1872. Tirahoschi, G. Biblioteca Modenese. 6 vols. Modena. 1781-6. Storia della Litteratura Italiana. vii. Milan. 1822. Tollin, H. Das Lehrsystem M. Servet's. 3 vols. Giitersloh. 1876-8-9. Trechsel, F. Die protestantischen Antitrinitarier. 2 vols. Heidelberg. 1839-44. Vasconcellos, J. de. Damiao de Groes. Oporto. 1897. Vecchiato, E. L' Inquisizione sacra a Venezia. 1891. Young, M. Life and Times of Aonio Paleario. 2 vols. London. 1860. See also Articles, etc. in La Ciudad de Dies. Valladolid. 1887 ff. Revista de Espana. Madrid. 1868-1896. Rivista Cristiana. Florence. 1873-1887. Brieger's Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte. Gotha. 1876 ff. Wetzer-Welte, Kirchenlexicon. Ed. F. Kaulen. Freiburg i. B. 1886 ff. Raumer's Historisches Taschenbuch. Leipzig. 1882. Archivio Storico Italiano. xv, xvi. Florence. 1856-57. Herzog-Hauck, Real-Encyklopadie fiir protestantische Theologie. Leipzig. 1877 f. (See also Bibliography of Chapter XVIII.)