Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/827

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Bibliography. 797 3. Collections op Private Letters and Papers. liSj Sir H. Original Letters. (From the British Museum.) 11 vols. London. 1824-1846. lynesj S. Burghley State Papers. London. 1740. smpe, A. J. Loseley MSS. (Selections from Papers at Loseley Park, Guildford.) London. 1835. >dge, E. Illustrations of British History, etc. (Letters in the College of Arms.) 2nd ed. 3 vols. London. 1838. )cock, N. Troubles connected with the First Book of Common Prstyer. (Papers selected from the Petyt MSS.) Camden Soc. London. 1884. jports and Appendices to Reports of the Historical MSS. Commission, (These are too numerous to be mentioned in detail ; the most important is the Calendar of Lord Salisbury's MSS. The Papers at Longleat are inadequately represented in the Report, but some of the more interesting are printed in lie Wilts Archaeological Magazine, vols, xv, xvi; compare also 1st Rep. App., p. 42, 2nd Rep. App., pp. 41, 46, 151, 162.) 4. Parliamentary and Official. 3ts of the Privy Council. Ed. J. R. Dasent. Vols, ii-iv. London. 1890-2. amont, J. Corps Universel Diplomatique. 8 vols. The Hague. 1725. lurnals of the House of Commons. Vol. i. London, n. d. •umals of the House of Lords. Vol. i. London, n. d. Ecial Return of Members of Parliament. 4 pts. London. 1878-1891. [These are the only lists of members extant, but they are very incomplete in the 16th century.] ■oclamations. London. 1560. (A collected volume of Proclamations. 1647-1650.) jrmer, T. Foedera. Original ed. 1704-1717. 17 vols, atutes of the Realm. Record Commission. Vol. iv. Part 1. 1819. See also the Reports of the Deputy-Keeper of Records; esp. Appendix to Rep. iv, mmaidsing the contents of the Baga de Secretis, and Lists and Indexes issued ■ the Record OflSce. 5. Contemporary Chronicles, Tracts, etc. ironicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary. London. Camden Soc. 1850. )oper, T. Epitome of Chronicles. London. 1660. rafton, R. Chronicle. London. 1568. New ed. 2 vols. London. 1809. reyfriars' Chronicle. Camden Soc. London. 1852. oby. Sir T. Travels and Life, 1647-64. Camden Soc. Miscellany, vol. x, 1902. terary Remains of Edward VI. Roxburghe Club. Ed. J. G. Nichols. 2 vols. London. 1857. [Contains all the extant writings of the young King and prints many other illustrative documents. Edward VI's statements must always be received with caution, but these two volumes are the most valuable of all printed collections for the history of the reign.] achyn, H. Diary. Camden Soc. London. 1847. irratives of the Reformation. Camden Soc. London. 1860. met. Bishop. Treatise of Politicke Power. 1656. Other editions, 1639 and 1642. nith, Sir T. De Republica Anglorum. London. 1583. The only adequate contemporary account of the English constitution. lanish Chronicle of Heniy VIII. Ed. M. A. S. Hume. London. 1889. [Un- trustworthy.] riothesley, C. Chronicle. Camden Soc. 2 vols. London. 1876.