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Bibliography. 803 C. Diplomatic. 1. Commeadone, I. F. Lettere, in Miscellanea di Storia Italiana. Vol. vi. 1865. 2. Michiel, Giovanni, Les De'peches de, Arabassadeur de Venise en Angle- terre pendant les annees de 1654 a 1657, dechiifrees et publie'es d'apres les documents conserves aux archives nationales de Venise, pax- P. Friedmann. Venice, 1869. [In Italian ; Friedmann's discovery of the key to the cipher was a memorable achievement. The letters addressed to the Senate of Venice are of the highest interest, although, unfortunately, those for 1664 are lost ; they include his 'Report of England' made in 1667 (a description decried by Froude but praised by Rawdon Brown), to be found in English in Ellis, Original Letters (2nd series), vol. ii; also in Venetian Calendar, vol. vi, part ii, 1043-1085.] 3. Navagero, Card. M. Bernardo, Relazione alia Ser"^ Rep"* di Venezia tornando di Roma Ambasciatore appresso del Pontefice Paolo IV. 1868. 4. Noailles, Ambassades de Messieurs de, en Angleterre. Ed. I'Abbe Vertot. 5 tomes. Leyden. 1763. Of these letters the originals are partly preserved in Brussels and partly no longer to be found. Transcripts however are in the Bibliotheqne Nationale in Paris as follows : Archives des affaires etrangeres, memoires et documents, fonds divers, 14 (Angleterre, 12), 1653-1567. Copie du journal des voyages de Francois de Noailles en Angleterre, pendant I'ambassade de son frere Antoine de Noailles. Extraits et analyses des documents de la Correspondance politique d' Angleterre pendant les ambassades d'Antoine de Noailles (mai 1563-mai 1556), Gilles de Noailles (mai-nov. 1556), Fran9ois de NoaUles (oct. 1656-juill. 1557), par de Valincourt. 15 (Angleterre, 13) 1566-1560. Recueil de copies de documents relatifs a I'Ecosse : lettres des am- bassadeurs de France en Angleterre, etc. According to P. Friedmann, not more than a fourth part of the Noailles correspondence is included in the volumes pub- lished by the Abbe de Vertot. [Thirty volumes of the correspondence of this celebrated family of diplomatists, foi-merly preserved in the library of the Louvre, were burnt in 1871. See Louis Paris, Les Papiers des Noailles de la Bibliotheque du Louvre. Paris. 1876.] 5. Renard, Simon, Letters to and from the Emperor Charles V. Printed in Papiers d'etat du Cardinal de Granvelle. Vols. 3 and 4. Publics sous la direction de M. Ch. Weiss. Paris. Imprimerie Royale. 1841. The originals are in the public library at Besan^on. Of these, some of which are not included in the volumes edited by Weiss, a complete enumeration is given by M. A. Caston in Catalogue Generale des Manuscrits des Bibliotheques publiques de France, Departements, vol. xxxiii. The letters included by Weiss are distin- guished by a W. Other correspondence of Renard and Jean Schyfre was formerly preserved in the Archives du Royaume de Belgique in Brussels, but has partly disappeared. Transcripts of the portion 20 Feb. 1553 to 15 June 1664 are, however, in the Record Office Transcripts (Sect, ii, vols. 145, 146), and were used both by Tytler and Froude. D. CotUECTIONS OF PRIVATE LeTTEBS. Copia d' una Lettera d'Angleterra, nella quale narra 1' entrata dell' Card. Polo in Inghilterra per la conversione di quella Isola alia Fede Catholica. Milan. 1564. Poli Epistolae. 6 vols. Brescia. 1744-67. E. Contemporary Chronicles, Tracts, etc. Accession (the) of Queen Mary : being the contemporary Narrative of Antonio de Guaras, a Spanish Merchant resident in London. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, Notes and an Appendix of Documents, including a contemporary Ballad in Fac-simile, by R. Garnett. London. 1892. 61—2