Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/835

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Bibliography. 805 SECONDARY AUTHORITIES. General. Armstrongs E. The Emperor Charles V. 2 vols. London. 1902. Brosch, M. Geschichte von England. Vol. vi. Gotha. 1890. Castelnau, Mich., de Mauvissiere. Memoires. Ed. J. le Laboureur. Brussels. 1731. Druffel, A. von. Briefe und Akten zur Gesch. des 16 Jahrhunderts. 4 vols. 1873-96 (vol. iv). Fomeron, H. Histoire de Philippe II. 2 vols. Paris. 1881. Friedmann, P. New Facts in the History of Mary, Queen of England. Mac- miUan's Mag. xix, 1-12. Gri£Fet, H. Nouveaux eclaircissements sur I'histoire de Marie, reine d'Angleterre. Paris. 1776. Henne, Alexandre. Histoire du regne de Charles-Quint en Belgique. 4 vols. Brussels. 1866. Heylyn, Jo. Examen Historicum, or Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, Falsities and Defects in some Modern Histories. London. 1659. Motley, J. R. Rise of the Dutch Republic. Vol. i. London. 1855. Ranke, L. von. Die romischen Papste. Vol. i. Vol. xxxvii of Sammtliche Werke. Leipzig. 1874 etc. Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de I'Angleterre sous le regne de Philippe II, publiees par M. le Baron de Lettenhove. 10 vols. Vol. i. : Depuis I'Abdi- cation de Charles-Quint jusqu'au Depart de Philippe II pour I'Espagne (25 oct. 1565—24 aout 1559). Brussels. 1882. Stone, J. M. History of Mary I, Queen of England. London. 1901. Wiesener, L. The Youth of Queen Elizabeth (1633-1558). 2 vols. English Translation. London. 1879. Zimmermann, A. Marie die Katholische. Freiburg i. B. 1890. Biographical. Duruy, G. Le Cardinal Carlo Caraffa. Paris. 1882. Freeman, E. A. Cardinal Pole. Essays, 4th Series. (First published in Sat. Rev. 1869.) Graziani, Ant. Maria, bishop of Amelia. De Vita I. F. Commendoria, Cardinalis, Libri iv. Paris. 1669. French translation by Flechier. Paris. 1694. Hook, W. F. (Dean). Lives of Cranmer and Pole in Archbishops of Canterbury. N. S. Vols. II, m. London. 1868, 1869. Hume, M. A. S. Visit of Philip II (1654). English Hist. Review. 1892. Lee, F. G. Reginald Pole, Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury. London. 1888. Madden, Sir F. Privy Purse Expenses of Princess Mary, with Memoir and Notes. London. 1831. PhiUips, Thos. History of the Life of Cardinal Pole. Oxford. 1764. Pope, Sir Thos. Life of, by Thomas Wharton. London. 1772. (See also Life in D. N. B. and English Hist. Review, xi, 282-.) Zimmermann, A. Kardinal Pole, sein Leben und seine Schriften. Ratisbon. 1893. Special Subjects. Creighton, C. History of Epidemics in Britain. Cambridge. 1891. Leadam, I. S. Narrative of the Pursuit of the English Refugees in Germany under Queen Mary. Trans, of Royal Historical Society. 1896. Verney Family, Letters and Papers of the, edited by J. Bruce. Camden Society. 1853. [Important for the Dudley Conspiracy.]