Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/842

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812 The Anglican Settlement and the Scottish Reformation. B. Modern Works. Bailey, T. J. Ordinam Sacrorum in Ecclesia Anglicana Defensio. London. 1870. Bellesheim, A. History of the Catholic Church of Scotland. Trans. O. H. Blair. Edinburgh. 1887. Benrath, K. Bernardino Ochino. Leipzig. 1875. Bonnard, A. Thomas Braste. Lausanne. 1894. Bridgettj T. E. Blunders and Forgeries. London. 1890. [Ware's forgeries.] Bridgett, T. E., and Knox, T. F. The true story of the Catholic Hierarchy. London. 1889. Brown, P. Hume. John Knox. London. 1895. George Buchanan. Edinburgh. 1890. Burnet, G. History of-the Reformation. Ed. Pocock. Oxford. 1866. (1st ed. 1678-1714.) Churton, R. Life of Alexander Nowell. Oxford. 1809. Collier, J. Ecclesiastical History. Ed. Barham. London. 1840-1. (1st ed. 1708-14.) Creighton, M. (Bishop). The Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth. Eng. Hist. Rev. VII, 81. Cunningham, J. The Church History of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1882. Denny, E., and Lacey, T. A. De Hierarchia Anglicana. London. 1895. Supple- mentum. Romae. 1896. Dlmock, N. Dangerous Deceits. London. 1895. Vox Liturgiae Anglicanae. London. 1897. Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism as seen in its Literature. New York. 1880. [Valuable bibliography.] Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England. London. 1878-1902. Dodd, C. Church History of England. Ed. Tierney. London. 1839-43. Dorner, I. A. Geschichte der protestantischen Theologie. Munich. 1867. Dugdale, H. G. Life of Edmund Geste. London. 1840. Estcourt, E. E. The Question of Anglican Ordinations. London. 1873. Figgis, J. N. Erastus and Erastianism. Journ. of Theol. Studies, ii, 66. London. 1901. Porbes-Leith, J. La revolution religieuse en Angleterre. Revue des quest, hist., Lviii, 456. Paris. 1896. Fuller, T. The Church History of Britain. Ed. Brewer. Oxford. 1846. (1st ed. 1656.) Gee, H. The Elizabethan Clergy. Oxford. 1898. The Elizabethan Prayer-Book and Ornaments. London. 1902. Gibson, E. C. S. The Thirty-Nine Articles. Ed. 2. London. 1898. Grub, G. Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1861. Hardwick, C. History of the Articles of Religion. Cambridge. 1869. Heylin, P. Ecclesia Restaurata. Ed. Robertson. Cambridge, 1849. (1st ed. 1661.) Jacobs, H. E. The Lutheran Movement in England. Philadelphia. 1891. Kluckhohn, A. Friedrich der Fromme. Nordlingen. 1879. Kugler, B. Christoph, Herzog zu Wirtemberg. Stuttgart. 1868. Kurtz, J. H. Church History. Engl. Transl. London. 1888. Lamb, J. Historical Account of the Thirty-Nine Articles. Cambridge. 1829. Laurence, R. Bampton Lectures for 1804. Ed. 3. Oxford. 1838. Lechler, G. V. Geschichte der Presbyterial- und Synodalverfassung. 1864. Lee, F. G. The Church under Elizabeth. London. 1892. Lorimer, P. Life of Patrick Hamilton. Edinburgh. 1867. John Knox and the Church of England. London. 1876. M'Crie, T. Life of Knox. Ed. Crichton. Edinburgh. 1840. (1st ed. 1812.)