Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/848

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818 CHAPTER XYIII THE CHURCH AND REFORM. Some of the material for the following bibliography was collected by Lord Acton, and the note on Manuscripts is in his own words, I. MANUSCRIPTS. The archives of the Council of Trent are dispersed in many places. At the Vaticanj they occupy 161 volumes. From these^ mainly, the Authentic Acts will be edited by the directors of the Historische Jahrbuch ; and Sickel is preparing to publish the Correspondence between Rome and the Legates during the later period. The Farnese papers are at Naples, the Borromeo papers in the Ambrosian Library; the Altemps papers at Sesto Calende. There are 12 volumes of Commendone at Citta di Castello, and 42 volumes of Cervini, the most valuable of all, at Florence ; while the letters of Cardinal Pole have to be brought together from at least eight public collections. Beyond the diplomacy of the Catholic States, the Record Office contains more than is indicated in the Calendars. Most of Pallavicini's sources are accounted for. Part of Sarpi's are reported to have been lost in a fire ; but his chief authority for the last years is preserved in the Gonzaga Archives at Mantua. Information as to manuscript materials, the present limit, and the direction of research, is given by some of the writers mentioned ; by Koellner, Theiner, Calenzio, DrufFel, Siclcel ; by Finazzi, in the Miscellanea di Storia Italiana ; Cigogna, In- scrizioni Veneziane; and Valentinelli, Regesten zur Deutschen Geschichte aus den Handschriften der Marcusbibliothek (Abhandlungen der Historischen Classe der Bayrischen Akademie, 1866). Transcripts, made from time to time for learned men, are preserved at Paris, Naples, Venice, Bergamo, Trent, at the British Museum and the Bodleian. Amon" these are the letters of the papal agent, Visconti, and the diaries of the Secretary Massarelli. U. AUTHORITIES, AND COLLECTIONS OP DOCUMENTS, MAINLY CONTEMPORARY. Balan, P. dementis VII Epistolae. Monumenta seculi xvi hist, illustrantia. Vol. I. Innsbmck. 1885. Baluze, S. Miscellanea, ed. Mansi, iii, iv. 4 vols. Lucca. 1764. Bartholomaeus de Martyribus, P. Opera, ii 423-456. Rome. 1736. Beccadelli, L. Monumenti. Ed. G. Morandi. 2 vols. Bologna. 1797-1804. Braunsberger, O. B. Petri Canisii Epistolae et Acta. Vol. i. 1641-66. Freiburg i. B. 1896.