Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/855

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825 CHAPTER XIX. TENDENCIES OF EUROPEAN THOUGHT IN THE AGE OF THE REFORMATION. I. ORIGINAL AUTHORITIES. Acta et scripts Synodalia Dordracena... Erdervik. 1620. [This book was so hastily printed that the text is often confused and incorrect; certain copies were issued without any date on the title page. It is the Remonstrant version of the Synod's proceedings.] Acta Synodi nationalis...auctoritate...foederati Belgii provinciarum... Dordrecht. 1620. [The official and authoritative documents of the Reformed Church.] Arminius, J. Opera theologica. Leyden. 1629. The Works of. Transl. by James Nichols. 2 vols. London. 1826-8. Vol. lu. Transl. by William Nichols, the son. London. 1876. Bacon, Francis. For what he calls the "philosophia pastoralis" of Telesio, see De principiis atque originibns. Gruter's ed., 1653, pp. 208 S. Spalding's ed. 1859, vol. ni, pp. 65 ff. Eng. transl. vol. v, pp. 466 ff. Bellarmine, Card. Disputationes de Controversiis Christianae Fidei adversus hujus Temporis Haereticos. Ingolstadt. 1687-1590. In Opera Omnia. Vols. i-rv. Cologne. 1617. Boehme, Jacob. Theosophische Schriften. 9 vols. Amsterdam. 1682. Die Werke Boehmes. Ed. Schiebler. 6 vols. Leipzig. 1831-46. Bruno, Giordano. Opere raccolte e pubblicate da Adolfo Wagner. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1830. Opera Latina. 2 vols. Naples. 1879. Scripta Latina (Gfrorer). Stuttgart. 1836. Chemnitius, D. M. Examen concilU Tiidentini... Geneva. 1641. Episcopius, Simon. Opera theologica. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1660, 1665. Epistolae Clarorum Joannem Reuchlin. 1614. Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum. Part I, 3rd ed. 1516, with 41 epistles and 7 in the appendix. — Part II, 1617, with 62 epistles, 8 being added in an appendix to a second ed. Finally in an ed. publ. 1656 a late Ep. was added, which Booking describes as "rustice obscena." Erasmus, Desiderius. Opera. 8 vols. Basel. 1540. 10 vols. Leyden. 1703-6. Novimi Instrumentum. Basel. 1516. Ficino, Marsilio. De Religione Christiana et Fidei Fietate. Florence. 1478. Theologia Platonica de Animorum Immortalitate. Florence. 1482. Opera. Paris. 1641. The edition of his Translations, Venice, 1617, also contains in the dedications and the prefaces matter which is important for his views. Gemistos Plethon. De virtutibus. Basel. 1662. De Platonicae atque Aristotelicae Fhilosophiae differentia. Basel. 1674.