Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/863

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Chronological Table. 1499 Cesare Borgia begins operations in the Romagna. 1500 Second French expedition to Italy. Conquest of Milan. Papal Jubilee. Diet of Augsburg and establishment of Council of Regency. Second treaty between France and Spain for partition of Naples. Cabral discovers the Brazilian coast. Aldo's Neacademia founded. 1501 Granada declared Christian. Rebellions in the West. Royal army defeated at Rio Verde. Joint attack on Naples by France and Aragon. Basel and Schaffhausen join Swiss Confederacy. Breach between Maximilian and the Diet of Niirnberg. 1502 War between France and Aragon. Cesare takes Urbino, Camerina, etc. Islam proscribed throughout Castile. Erasmus' EncJieiridion Militis Ghristiani. Wittenberg University founded. 1503 Gonzalo de Cordova defeats the French at Cerignola and on the Garigliano. Crown of Naples added to those of Castile, Aragon, and Sicily. Accession of Pope Julius II. Fall of Cesare Borgia. French armies invade Spain but accomplish nothing. 1504 Death of Isabel of Castile and accession of Juana and Archduke Philip. Ferdinand regent. Dukes of Bavaria^Munich acquire Landshut dominions. Treaty of Maximilian at Gmiinden with Czar Wasilici Ivanovic. Marriage of Margaret of England to James IV of Scotland. 1505 Capture of Mers-el-Kebir, stronghold of Barbary pirates. Treaty of Salamanca. Castile and Aragon disunited. Diet of Cologne. Maximilian's influence restored. 1506 Anne of Hungary betrothed to Archduke Ferdinand. Death of Archduke Philip. 1507 Cordova rises against Inquisition. Ximenes Grand Inquisitor. Diet of Constance. Imperial refonns. Ferdinand takes over government of Castile. First Greek press in Paris. 1507-15 Maximilian's daughter Margaret regent in Netherlands. 1508 Capture of Peiron de la Gomera by Pedro Navarro. League of Cambray. Maximilian adopts title of Emperor-Elect before coronation. Publication of Amadis of Gaul. 1509 Venetian defeat by French at Agnadello. Oran captured by Ximenes. Accession of Henry VIII of England. His marriage with Katharine of Aragon. 1510 Diet of Augsburg rejects further reform proposals by Maximilian. Grievances of the German clergy presented to the Emperor-Elect. Death of Pedro Navarro. Julius 11 comes to terms with Venice. Break-up of League of Cambray. Goa captured by Albuquerque for Portugal. 1510-13 Erasmus teaches Greek at Cambridge. 1511 Schismatical General Council (French) at Pisa. Albuquerque takes Malacca. The Holy League. 1512 Accession of Selim I.