Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/835

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Bibliography. 803 Tiedeman, C. G. The Unwritten Constitution of the United States. A Philosophic Inquiry into the fundamentals of American Constitutional Law. New York. 1890. Willoughby, W. W. The Supreme Court of the United States. (Johns Hopkins University Studies. Extra vol. No. 7.) Baltimore. 1890. (D) NULLIFICATION. Ames, H. V. State Documents on Federal relations. No. 4. The Tariff and Nullification, 1820-83. Univ. of Pennsylvania; Department of History. (Contains a bibliography.) Philadelphia. 1902. Houston, D. F. Critical study of Nullification in S. Carolina. (Harvard Historical Studies, No. 3.) New York. 1896. Letters on the Nullification movement in S. Carolina, 1830-4. Amer. Histor. Review, vi, 4; vii, 1. New York. 1901. Powell, E. V. Nullification and Secession in the United States. New York. 1897. (E) FOREIGN RELATIONS. (i) The Fishery Dispute. Elliott, C. B. The United States and the North-eastern Fisheries. A History of the Fishery Question. (Contains a good bibliography.) University of Minne- sota. Minneapolis. 1887. Isham, C. The Fishery Question. Its Origin, History, and present Situation; with a map of the Anglo-American Fishing-Grounds and a short Bibliography. (Questions of the Day Series, No. 41.) New York. 1887. (ii) The Monroe Doctrine. Beaumarchais, M. D. de. La Doctrine de Monroe. Devolution de la politique des Etats-Unis pendant le xix me siecle. Paris. 1898. Hart, A. B. and Channing, E. (Editors). Extracts from Official Declarations of the United States embodying the Monroe Doctrine, 1789-1891. (American History Leaflets, No. 4.) McMaster, J. B. The Monroe Doctrine. (In "With the Fathers/*) New York. 1896. Monroe, J. Message to Congress, December, 1823, announcing the doctrine. (In Richardson's "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," vol. 2.) Petin, H. Les ^Jtats-Unis et la Doctrine de Monroe. Paris. 1900. Reddaway, W. F. The Monroe Doctrine. Cambridge, England. 1898. Rush, R. Memoranda of a residence at the Court of London. Philadelphia. 1883. Tucker, G. F. The Monroe Doctrine. A concise history of its origin and growth. Boston. 1885. (iii) Spanish Treaty, 1819; Florida Purchase. American State Papers. Foreign Relations : Vol. n. Land Claims : Vol. in. Chambers, H. E. A short-lived American State. Magazine of American History. January. 1892. West Florida and its relations to the Cartography of the United States. (Contains a bibliography.) Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science. Series xv, No. 5. Baltimore. 1898. Favrot, H. L. Some of the Causes and Conditions that brought about the West Florida Revolution of 1810. (Louisiana Historical Society's Publications.) Part n. Gayarre', C. Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 vols. Nouvelle Orleans. 1846. (Trans- lation) : History of Louisiana. Third edition. 4 vols. New Orleans. 1885. 512