Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/876

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844 Index. Church of England, in America, 57, 58 City Point, meeting of Lincoln and his generals at, 637 Civil Eights Act, Supplementary (1875), 642 Civil Bights Cases, the, 648 Civil Service, the Federal, reform of, 635, 649 sq., 670 Civil War, the American, chaps, xrv, xv, xvi, passim; naval operations of the, chap, xvii, passim ; the North during the, chap, xvin, passim; the South during the, chap, xix, passim; economic results of, 696 sq. Civil War, the English, 8, 33 Clarendon, Earl of, 636 Clark, General George Bogers, his cam- paigns in the Ohio valley, 221 sq. Clark, William, expedition of, 326 Clay, Henry, 350, 367, 373, 418; his tariff bill (1829), 382; his compromise resolu- tions, 402-4 Clayhorne (trader), 32, 33 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, the (1850), 434, 649 Clayton, John M., 434 Cleveland, Grover, President of United States, 653, 655-60, 665-72 Clinton, General Sir Henry, 173, 211, 217 sqq. Coal, production of, 714 Cobb, Howell, 605 Cocheco (Dover, in Massachusetts), 21 Coddington, William, 20 Code Noir, the French, in the sugar-islands, 101 Colbert (French minister), 70, 78, 80-5, 86 ; his letters, 81 Cold Harbour, battle of, 519 Colonies, the English, chaps, i, n ; the French, chap, in ; the Spanish, 102, 366 Colonisation of America: English, chaps, i, n, passim i French, chap, in, passim Colonists, French and British, comparison of, 103 Columbia, burning of, 529 Columbia river, discovery of, 326 Columbus, fortification of, 492 Commerce, American, chaps, xn, xxn, passim ; the war against, 567 Commerce-destroyers, the Confederate, 565 Commercial independence, American strug- gle for, chap, ix, passim Commission, an Electoral, 645 Common Prayer, Book of, in Virginia, 8; in New England, 17 Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, 173, 207 Commons, the House of: Benjamin Franklin's examinations before, 145 sq., 150 Commonwealth, the English, and Virginia, 8; and New England, 24; and Mary- land, 33 Communications, internal, improvement of, 360, 690 Companies, colonial : the Virginian, 4 sqq., 12 sq.; the New England, 12; the Dutch West India, 13, 22; the Massachusetts, 15 ; the Laconia, 21 ; of New France, 70, 73 ; of the Isles of America, 70, 74, 78 ; of the West, 70, 79, 86 Companies, railway, power of, 706 Compensation, question of, to the Slave States, 586 sq., 601 Compromise of 1850, the, 404, 406 Compromise Tariff Bili (1829), the, 382 Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, 59 Conde", Henri H, Prince of, 72 Conduct of the War, the Committee on the (Federal), 469 Confederacy, the Southern, chap, xix, passim Confederate Congress, the, 605 Confederate States, the, 452 sq. Confederates, the, chaps, xiv-xvn, xix, passim Confederation, Articles of, 235 sq., 249, 305 sqq. Confederation, the, 236, 308, 3U Confiscation Acts, the, 307 Congregationalism, in New England, 11, 57 Congress and Merrimac, fight of the, 561 Congresses: the first continental (1774), 161, 181 sq., 187 sq. ; the second (1775), 166 ; the third (1776), 173 ; continental of 1783, 305, 306, 309 ; the Stamp Act, 182, 184 ; powers of Federal Congress, 276; the Troppau (1820), 368; the Verona (1822), 369; the Montgomery (1861), 449 Connecticut, settlement of, 18 ; at war with the Pequods, 19 ; refuses to surrender its charter, 29; political conditions, 54; religions conditions, 57 ; cession of terri- tory by, 308 Conscription Acts, the Southern, 609 Conscription Law, the Northern, 572 sq. Conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln, 546 Constitution and Guerriere, fight of the, 339 Constitution, the French-Canadian, 81; the Federal, chap, vin, passim, 314 sqq. ; the British, 192 sqq. Constitutional Convention, the (1787), 243-304, 314 Constitutions, French colonial, 105 ; the Confederate, 606 Conventions : the Heemstade (Long Island) (1665), 40 ; the New York (1690), 69 ; the Albany (1754), 69; the Annapolis (1786), 244, 312, 314 ; the Constitutional (1787), 243-304, 314 ; the French (1799), 322 Cook, Captain, 365 Cooper, James Fenimore, 742 Cooper, Peter, 646 Coram, Thomas (the philanthropist), 61 Corinth, Federal occupation of, 499 Corn, export of, 56, 697, 709, 716 Cornbury, Viscount, governor of New York and New Jersey, 48 Cornwallis (Charles), Marquis of, 212, 213, 223-31