Page:Canada, and other poems by Herbin, John Frederic.djvu/7

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Filled with the knowledge of wonders to be. At last, with a shock,
Over the face of the deep, the flash of a hand cut the billows;
Then like a bird of the sea, a prow sped into its haven.
Henceforth, the land is an altar to freedom manhood has chosen;
Never forsaken or wanting of love by the children of men.
Here, in the midst of the seas, unknown to the daring of valor,
Hinted or visioned by fancy, or vaguely known by tradition;
Here, an inheritance locked through the ages, lost on the vastness of waters,
Receives the foot of change. Silence doth pinion away,
As the spirit of life and hope joins across dividing seas,
The old enslaved world with this great, new home of Freedom.
Far through the quiet of forests, out o'er the plains of the Rockies,
The sounds of a new tongue startle the Indian chieftains, and utter
Monitions of the birth of a conquering people. Over the seas,
Thought like a messenger God-sent encircles the world with its fire.
Signs of a progress to be were marked on the pages before me,
Peoples to come from the lands that the sun may find in a day;
Gathered and welded together, quickly their labors extended.
Then did I read of the strength breathed into their hearts and their pulses
By the spirit that lived in the air of the valleys and mountains and waters;
Breathing a purpose and strength within them to gladden the world;
A wisdom to guide aright till nations are taught of their teaching,
Wisdom and power like a great new light marking their virtue.

I con till the pages are teeming with annals of growth and of fame,
Turning again to the present, whose leaf is waiting half-written.
The book is heavy with promise accomplishment builds and inspires;
Golden with good and with power, and the richness yet to come.

Back to the last noble year, pledged to build into the future,
I am come where the impetus springs from the will of the people.
Centuries three has the fire been burning, brought over the ocean.