Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/10

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which has generally been practised by Officers of the Volunteer Militia will be observed Universally in future, viz:

Officers desiring to communicate officially with the Adjutant General, will address their letters to him direct, and forward the same to the intermediate higher authority for transmission.

No. 2.

10th, or Royal Regiment of Toronto Volunteers.

The Christian names of Lieutenant Ramsay are "William John" and not "John" as was stated in the General order of the 8th May last.

33rd "Huron" Battalion of Infantry.

Lieutenant and Adjutant Henry Cooke, having obtained a First Class Certificate on the 10th March last, is now confirmed in his rank from that date. To be Battalion Drill Instructor:

Lieutenant and Adjutant Henry Cooke.

No. 5 Company, Bayfield.

To be Ensign, acting till further orders :

Joseph Twentyman, Gentleman, vice W. H. Woods, whose resignation is hereby accepted.

34th "Ontario" Battalion of Infantry.

Lieut.-Colonel S. B. Fairbanks and Major Wm. Warren, Junior, having held First Class Military School Certificates at the time of their appointment, are now confirmed temporarily in their respective ranks from that date.

43rd "Carleton" Battalion of Infantry.

Ensign and Adjutant Wm. H. Falls, to have the the rank of Lieutenant.

No. 5 Company, Richmond.

To be Captain, acting till further orders:

Lieutenant John Joseph Maxwell, vice Jno. A. Bryson, left the limits.

To be Lieutenant (temporary):

Ensign Thomas Good, M. S., vice Maxwell, promoted.

To be Ensign, noting till further orders :

John Hill, Gentleman, vice Good, promoted.

44th "Welland" Battalion of Infantry.

No. 1 Company, Clifton.

To be Captain (temporary) :

Lieut. Wm. Russell, M. S., vice Cannon, whose resignation is hereby accepted.

To be Lieutenant (temporary):

Ensign Hiram Bender, M. S., vice Russell, promoted.

To be Ensign, acting till further orders

Sergeant Robert Thompson, vice Bender, promoted.

No. 3.

Province of Ontario.

The Brampton Grammar School Drill Association.

A Drill Association is hereby authorized at Brampton, in the Regimental Division of Peel, under the direction of John Seath, Esquire, B. A., to be composed of the Masters and Pupils of the Brampton County Grammar School, and to be styled the "Brampton Grammar School Drill Association."

By Command of His Excellency of the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander in Chief.
P. L. MacDOUGALL, Colonel,
Adjutant General of Militia,





VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United-Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., &c., &c.
To all to whom these presents shall come, and whom they may in anywise concern—Greeting.

J. A. Macdonald,
Minister of Justice.
Whereas by a certain Act of the Parliament of Canada, passed in the recent session thereof, and intituled: "Act relating to Quarantine and Public Health" it is amongst other things in effect enacted that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, make such regulations as he thinks proper, for enforcing compliance with all the requirements of the said Act, and concerning the entry or departure of boats or vessels at the different ports or places in Canada, and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such boats or vessels, or the receiving of passengers or cargoes on board of the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve the public health, and for ensuring the due performance of quarantine, by and in respect of vessels passengers, goods or things, arriving at any port within Canada, to which he thinks it right, for the preservation of the Public Health, that such regulations should apply, and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods, or things, so as to prevent, as far as possible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into or in Canada, and may appoint or remove such officers as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them, respectively, such powers as he may think required for carrying out the provision of such regulations, and may, from time to time, revoke or amend the same or any of them, and may make others in their stead, and may impose penalties, forfeitures and punishments for the breach thereof, which regulations shall be notified by Proclamation, published in the Canada Gazette at least twice; and the production of the copies of the Gazette, containing, any such Proclamation, shall be evidence of the making, date and contents of such regulations. And further that such regulations shall have the force of law during the time they respectively remain unrevoked, unless they be expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the time and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force; and that any person disobeying any such Regulation may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, as the Court may direct, or otherwise such person may be sued for the penalties contained in such regulation.

And Whereas, Our Governor in Council, hath, this day been pleased to make, under the authority, and in pursuance of the said above in part recited Act, certain regulations as follows, that is to say:—

1.—Vessels coming up the St. Lawrence.

That all boats, ships and other vessels except the Canadian Mail Steamers, which henceforth and during the eight months next following the First day of April in each and every year shall arrive in the Port of Quebec, from any port or ports, place or places, in Europe or elsewhere out of Canada, by way of that part of the River St. Lawrence which is below Grosse-Isle, and which shall have at the time of their said arrival, or shall have had during their passage from the places where they respectively cleared, any person on board labouring under Asiatic Cholera, Fever, Small Pox, Scarlatina or Measles, or other infectious and dangerous disease, or on board of which any person shall have died during such passage, or which, being of less tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board thirteen or more Steerage Passengers, or which being of greater tonnage than seven hundred tons measurement, shall have on board fifty or more Steerage Passengers or which shall have come from some infected Port, shall make their Quarantine at Grosse-Isle in the River St. Lawrence, and there remain and continue until such boats,