Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/19

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Thursday, 28th day of May, 1868.


Whereas it has been represented to His Excellency in Council, that the Rates of Toll imposed under existing Regulations upon Vessels and Goods passing through the Burlington Bay Canal, are proportionately higher than those established for other Canals in the Dominion, and it is expedient that the same should be reduced,—

His Excellency in Council on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the 58th Section of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 12, intituled: "An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada," has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that on, from and after the First day of June next, and in lieu of any Tolls or dues which may have been by any Order in Council heretofore or authorized to be collected on the said Burlington Bay Canal, the Tolls and Dues enumerated and specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed, and forming part of this Order, shall be and they are hereby imposed and the collection thereof authorized in and upon the said Burlington Bay Canal under the authority of the Act above referred to.


Clerk Privy Council.


Each way
CLASS No. 1. cents.
Vessels—Steam. Per Ton. ¼
do. Sail do. ¼
CLASS No. 2.
Passengers, 21 years of age and upwards
Each. 1
do. under 21 years of age do. 1
CLASS No. 3.
Barley, Bricks, Cement, Clay, Coal, Corn, Gypsum, Ice, Iron (Railway, Pig, Scrap and Broken Castings), Lime, Manganese, Manures, Copper Ore, Sand, Salt, Slate, Stone (unwrought), and Wheat
Per Ton. 6
Apples, Potatoes, Oats, Pease, and Beans and all Agricultural products not enumerated and not being merchandize, Ashes, Beef, Bacon, Bones, Bran and Ship stuff, Broom, Corn, Cattle, Cotton (raw), Fish, Flax, Flour, Glass (window), Hay (pressed), Hams, Hogs, Horns and Hoofs, Horses, Iron, wrought in sheets, Bars or Forgings, Iron Castings, Junk, Lard and Lard Oil, Meals of all kinds, Marble, Nails, Oil in Barrels, Oil Cake, Pork, Rags, Rye, Seeds, (Flax, Clover and Grass), Sheep, Spikes, Stone (wrought), Tobacco (unmanufactured), and Tallow
Per Ton. 8
CLASS No. 5.
Agricultural Implements, Baggage of Settlers, Beer, Bees Wax, Biscuits, Butter, Carts, Chalk, Charcoal, Cheese, Cider, Coffee, Copperas, Crockery, Dye Woods, and Dye Stuffs, Earthenware, Furniture, Glassware, Hides and Skins, raw, Hemp, Mahogany, Manilla, Mo lasses, Oakum, Paint, Pitch, Rosin, Ships stores, Sleighs, Soda Ash, Steel, Stoneware, Sugar, Tar, Tin, Turpentine, Vinegar, Waggons, White Lead, Whiting, Whiskey, High Wines and Spirits, Wool
Per Ton. 10
CLASS No. 6.
All other Goods and Merchandize not enumerated
Per Ton. 8
CLASS No. 7.
Bark Per Ton 10
Barrels, empty each ½
Boat knees " 2
Floats, per 1,000 lineal feet M. 50
Fire wood per cord in Vessels. Cord. 8
do do in Rafts " 8
Hoops M. 8
Masts and Spars and Telegraph poles per ton of 40 cubic feet, in Vessels.
do do in Rafts 10
Railway Ties, in Vessels each. ¼
do in Rafts. " ½
Sawed stuff, boards, plank, scantling and sawed timber per M. board measure in Vessels.
do do in Rafts ..
Square timber in Vessels per M. Cubic feet. 25
do rafted, per M. " 50
Waggon stuff, wooden ware, and wood partly manufactured per ton of 40 cubic feet
Shingles Per M. 3
Split posts & fence rails, per M. in Ves. 15
do do do in Rafts. 30
Saw logs, each standard log Each. 2
Staves and Headings (Barrel) Per M. 5
dodo (Pipes) " 10
dodo (W. India) " 8
Traverses P. 100 p. 10
Hop Poles. P. 1,000 p. 50
Ottawa, May 28th, 1868.


Saturday, 30th day of May, 1868.


On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Inland Revenue, and under and in virtue of the authority given by tie Act passed during the late session of the Parliament of Canada, 31st Vic. Cap. 50, intituled : "An Act to increase the Excise Duty on Spirits, to impose an Excise Duty on Refined Petroleum, and to provide for the Inspection thereof," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the following Regulations respecting the Inspection and Branding of Petroleum, shall be and they are hereby made and established.

WM. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council.


Inland Revenue Act, 1868, Sec. 17.1st. Refined Petroleum shall be tested by Taglibues Pyrometer or by such other similar Instrument as may be approved by the Minister of Inland Revenue and all such Instruments shall be distributed under the Supervision of the Department of Inland Revenue, and shall be used in accordance with instructions sanctioned by the said Department.

Sec. 12.2. Refined Petroleum which was on the 22nd of May 1868, in possession of parties who were not Refiners, may be allowed to pass inspection provided it bears a fire test of one hundred degrees of Fahrenheit Thermometer, without giving off vapour that will explode, or ignite on the application of fire.

Sec. 17.3. All Barrels, Casks or Packages containing Petroleum which has been inspected shall be branded with

The date of the Inspection.
The name of the Inspecting Officer.
The degree of heat at which the vapour produced by it ignited.
The name of the refiner, or if imported the name of the importer.

4. Refined Petroleum may be warehoused and removed in Bond under the regulations made by an Order in Council on the 27th day of April, 1868.