Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/58

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be his duty to cause the said Vessel to return to, or remain and be detained at the mouth of River St. Charles, and the Master of such Vessel shall not allow the Immigrant or Immigrants in respect of whom the permit has been refused, to land in any part of Canada, or to depart from the Vessel, but he shall keep such Immigrant or Immigrants on board the same and transport them therein on the departure of the said Vessel, from Quebec, unless the Inspecting Physician shall subsequently see fit to grant such permit.

3. Any Master, Officer or Seaman of a Vessel, who shall allow the departure of any Immigrant or Immigrants without such permit, and any person who shall aid, assist or connive at the landing of any Immigrant without such permit or who shall contravene, either by commission or omission any of the foregoing Regulations, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $400 in any case, and the offender may be imprisoned until the same is paid.

4. The Inspecting Physician shall report to the Collector of Customs at the Port, the case of any Vessel, in which have arrived any Immigrant or Immigrants, to whom such permit has been refused, and no Vessel shall be entered or cleared at any Custom House, until these regulations have been complied with.

Now Know ye and we do hereby command and enjoin upon all our loving subjects, that they do take notice of and obey the said Regulations so much as herein set forth and govern themselves accordingly.

In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed : Witness, Our Right Trusty and Well Beloved Cousin the Right Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governor General of Canada, &c., &c., &c. At Our Government House, in Our CITY of OTTAWA, this NINETEENTH day of JUNE, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in the Thirty-first year of Our Reign.

By Command,

HECTOR. L. LANGEVIN, Secretary of State.


By His Excellency the Right Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governor General of Canada, &c., &c., &c.
To all to whom these presents shall come, and whom they may in anywise concern—Greeting :

J. A. Macdonald,
Minister of Justice.
Whereas by Royal Proclamation dated at Windsor Castle on the 22nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord 1867, Her Most Gracious Majesty did ordain, declare, and command, that on and after the 1st day of July, 1867, the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should form and be one Dominion under the name of Canada ;

And Whereas the Anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada falls upon Wednesday, the 1st day of July next ensuing ;

And Whereas it is meet and proper that the said Anniversary should be observed and kept ;

Now Know Ye, that I, Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Governor General of Canada, do hereby proclaim and appoint WEDNESDAY, the FIRST day of JULY next, as the day on which the Anniversary of the formation of the Dominion a Canada be duly celebrated. And I do hereby enjoin and call upon all Her Majesty's loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the due and proper celebration of the said Anniversary on the said FIRST day of JULY next.

Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the Government House, in the CITY of OTTAWA, in the said Dominion, this TWENTIETH day of JUNE, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in the thirty-first year of her Majesty's Reign.


By Command,

Secretary of State.

Parliamentary Notices.


Parliament House,

Ottawa, 2nd January, 1868.

53. All applications for Private Bills, properly the subjects of legislation by the Parliament of Canada, within the purview of "The British North America Act, 1867," whether for the erection of a Bridge, the making of a Railroad, Turnpike Road, or Telegraph Line; the construction or improvement of a Harbour, Canal, Lock, Dam, or Slide, or other like work ithe granting of a right of Ferry; the incorporation of any particular Trade or calling, or of any Banking or other joint stock Company: or otherwise for granting to any individual or individuals any exclusive or peculiar rights or privileges whatever, or for doing any matter or thing which in its operation would affect the rights orproperty of other parties, or relate to any particular class of the community; or for making any amendment of a like nature to any former Act,—shall require a Notice, clearly and distinctly specifying the nature and object of the application, to be published as follows, viz:

In the Province of Quebec—A notice inserted in the Official Gazette, in the English and French languages, and in one newspaper in the English and one newspaper in the French language, in the District affected, or in both languages if there be but one paper ; or if there be no paper published therein, then (in both languages) in the Official Gazette, and in a paper published in an adjoining District.

In any other Province—A notice inserted in the Official Gazette, and in one newspaper published in the County, or Union of Counties, affected, or if there be no paper published therein, then in a newspaper in the next nearest County in which a newspaper is published.

Such notices shall be continued in each case for a period of at least two months during the interval of time between the close of the next preceeding Session and the consideration of the petition.

54. Before any Petition praying for leave to bring in a Private Bill for the erection of a Toll Bridge, is presented to the House, the person or persons intending to petition for such Bill, shall, upon giving the notice prescribed by the preceding Rule, also, at the same time, and in the same manner, give notice of the rates which they intend to ask, the extent of the privilege, the height of the arches, the interval between the abutments or piers for the passage of rafts and vessels. and mentioning also whether they intend to erect a drawbridge or not, and the dimensions of the same.


Clk. Senate.


Clk. of the House of Commons.


Ottawa, 13th January, 1868.

Extracts from the Code of Rules of the Senate of Canada.


71. Every Applicant for a Bill of Divorce is required to give notice of his intention so to do, and to specify from whom and for what cause, by adver-