Page:Canadian patent 30172.djvu/8

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from its maximum to its neutral position and generates a current of decreasing strength and same direction as before and causes a further shifting of the poles through the second quarter of the ring. The second half revolution will obviously be a repetition of the same action.

By shifting the poles of the ring A a powerful dynamic inductive effect is exerted upon the coils C C'.

Besides the currents generated in the secondary coil by dynamo-magnetic induction, other currents will be set up in the same coils in consequence of any variation in the intensity of the poles in the ring A. This should be avoided by maintaining the intensity of the pole constant, to accomplish which, care should be taken in designing and proportioning the generator and in distributing the coils on the rings A and balancing their effect. When this is done the currents are produced by dynamo-magnetic induction only, the same result being obtained as though the poles were shifted by a commutator with an infinite number of segments.


1. The method of electrical conversion and distribution herein described which consists in continuously and progressively shifting the points or lines of maximum effect in an inductive field and inducing thereby currents in the coils or convolutions of a circuit located within the inductive influence of said field, as herein set forth.

2. The method of electrical conversion and dis