Page:Canadian patent 33317.djvu/10

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D, the condition is that of a closed secondary upon a primary, or in the position of least inductive resistance, hence a given alternation of current will pass mainly through D. A half revolution of the armatures produces an opposite effect and the succeeding current impulse passes through C.

Using this figure as an illustration it is evident that the fields N, M, may be permanent magnets or independently excited and the armatures O, P, driven as in the present case so as to produce alternate currents which will set up alternately, impulses of opposite direction in the two branches D, C, which in such case would include the armature circuits and translating devices only.

In Figure 5 a plan alternative with that shown in Figure 3 is illustrated. In the previous case illustrated, each branch C and D contained one or more primary coils, the secondaries of which were periodically short-circuited, in synchronism with the alternations of current from the main source A, and for this purpose a commutator was employed. The matter may, however, be dispensed with, and an armature with a closed coil substituted.

Referring to Figure 5, in one of the branches, as C, are two coils M' wound on laminated cores and in the other branches D are similar coils M'. A subdivided or laminated armature O' carrying a closed coil R' is