Page:Canadian patent 33317.djvu/3

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Stated broadly, the invention consists in obtaining direct from alternating currents, or in directing the waves of an alternating current so as to produce direct or substantially direct currents, by developing or producing in the branches of the circuit including a source of alternating currents, either permanently or periodically, and by electric, electro-magnetic, or magnetic agencies, manifestations of energy or what may be termed active resistances of opposite electrical character whereby the currents or current waves of opposite sign or direction will be diverted through different circuits, those of one sign passing over one branch and those of opposite sign over another.

The case of a circuit divided into two paths only may be considered herein inasmuch as any further subdivision involves merely an extension of the same general principle.

Selecting then, any circuit through which is flowing an alternating current, let such circuit be divided at any desired point into two branches or paths. In one of these paths is inserted some device to create an electro-motive force opposed to the waves or impulses of current of one sign, and a similar device in the other branch which opposes the waves of opposite signs.