Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/20

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W. J. Armitage

The Venerable William James Armitage, M.A., Ph.D., Rector and Archdeacon of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born at Bryanston, Ontario, February 6th, 1860. Educated at University College, Wycliffe College, Toronto, and at Dalhousie University, Halifax Author of 'The Fruit of the Spirit,' 'The Cities of Refuge', etc.


JOFFRE! hero of the hour, and of the age,
Thy fame secure shal stand white thee shall last:
Stalwart and strong, courageous, bold and true,
Thy story lives enshrined on history's page,
And outshines valorous leaders of earth's past,
A record, cloudless, clean as heaven's blue:
Soul of all France! thy spirit great and free
For freedom fights—yea, for a world's liberty!


INTO your stronghold turn, God is your refuge sure;
Fear not the foe; his cruel hate, his ruthless wrong
Thy true life cannot touch; in God it rests secure;
Wait, with long patience wait, His time will come ere long:
In prison drear, hope's star shall brightly burn,
Brave heart and leal unto your stronghold turn.
The lights grow dim and wan as earth's grim shadows fall,

Hearts falter too and fail, as hunger stalks along,
And life's great clamant needs yet still more loudly call;
Soul still hope on and on, yea in thy faith be strong:
In anchorage of God, hope holds, holds still,
Thy life in stature grows in His wise will.

Unto your stronghold turn, for God's time draweth nigh:
Deliverance is His, tired heart, and desolate,
He knoweth all thy need, He hears thy weary sigh,
Trust Him alone, trust on, rest in His love and wait:
Turn prisoner of hope, unto your stronghold turn,
Let hope's star shine afar and ever brightly burn.