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He sang wi' joy his former day,
He weeping wail'd his latter times;
But what he laid it was nae play,
I winna ventur't in my rhymes.
A lassie, &c.

O that I had ne'er been married.

O that I had ne'er been married,
I wad never had nae care;
Now I've gotten wife and bairns,
And they cry crowdie evermair.
Ance crowdie, twice crowdie,
Three times crowdie in a day;
Gin ye crowdie ony mair
Ye'll crowdie a' my meal away.

Waefu' want and hunger fley me,
Glowrin by the hallan en';
Sair I fight them at the door,
But aye I'm eerie they come ben.
Ance crowdie, &c.

O gude Ale comes.

O gude ale comes, and gude ale goes,
Gude ale gars me sell my hose,
Sell my hose, and pawn my shoon,
Gude ale keeps my heart aboon.