Page:Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent Buckley.djvu/170

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others of the same or neighbouring places, according to their own judgment, having summoned those interested therein; and they shall raise in the same churches, altars or chapels, under the same invocations; or transfer them, with all their emoluments and with all the obligations that were imposed on the former churches, to altars or chapels already erected. But, as regards parish churches which have thus fallen into decay, they shall, even though they be under a right of patronage, take care that they be repaired and restored, out of any fruits and proceeds soever in any way appertaining to the said churches. And if [these resources] should be insufficient, they shall compel, by all suitable means, the patrons and others who receive any fruits resulting from those churches, or, in their default, the parishioners to [provide for] the aforesaid [repairs]; every appeal, exemption, or reservation soever being set aside. But if they should all labour under too great poverty, they shall be transferred to the mother churches, or to those in the neighbourhood, with power to convert both the said parish churches and others that are in ruins, to profane, though not to sordid uses; a cross, however, being erected there.


Monasteries in commendam, in which Regular Observance is not in vigour, and all Benefices soever, shall be annually visited by the Bishops.

It is right that what things soever in a diocese regard the worship of God, be diligently cared for by the ordinary, and, where it behoveth, be by him provided. Wherefore, monasteries held in commendam, even abbeys, priories, and those called provostries, in which regular observance is not in vigour, as also benefices, with or without the cure of souls, as well regular as secular, in whatever manner held in commendam, even though exempt, shall every year be visited by the bishops, even as the delegates of the Apostolic See; and the said bishops shall take care, by suitable measures, even by the sequestration of the fruits, that what things require renewing or restoring, be repaired; and that the cure of souls, if it be charged upon those places, or those annexed to them, as also that other required duties be rightly exercised; any appeals soever, privileges, or customs,