Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/283

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March 1770.]
Off the New Zealand Sounds.

Bay. It lies in the Lat. of 45° 47′ S.; it is about 3 or 4 Miles broad at the Entrance, and seems to be full as deep. In it are several Islands, behind which there must be Shelter from all winds, provided there is a Sufficient Depth of Water.[1] The N. point of this bay, when it bears S.E. by S., is very remarkable, there being off it 5 high peaked rocks, standing up like the 4 fingers and thumb of a Man's hand; on which account I have named it Point Five Fingers. The land of this point is farther remarkable by being the only Level land near it, and extends near 2 Leagues to the Northward. It is pretty high, wholy cover'd with wood, and hath very much the Appearance of an Island, by its aspect being so very different from the Land behind it, which is nothing but barren rocky Mountains. At Sunset the Southermost Land in sight bore due S., distant 5 or 6 Leagues; and as this is the Westermost point of land upon the whole Coast I have called it West Cape. It lies about 3 Leagues to the Southward of the bay above-mentioned, in the Lat. of 45° 54′ S., and Long. 193° 17′ W. The land of this Cape seems to be of a moderate height next the Sea, and hath Nothing remarkable about it that we could see, Except a very White Clift 2 or 3 Leagues to the Southward of it. The land to the Southward of Cape West trends away towards the S.E.; to the Northward of it it Trends N.N.E. and N.E. At 7 o'Clock brought the Ship too under the Foresail, with her head off Shore, having a fresh Gale at S. by E. At Midnight it moderated, and we wore and lay her head in shore until 4 a.m.; then made Sail, and Steer'd along shore N.E. ½ N., having a moderate breeze at S.S.E. At Noon we were by observation in the Lat. 45° 13′ S.; Course and distance sailed since Yesterday N. 41° E., 62 Miles; Long. made from Cape West 0° 29′ E., being at this time about 1½ Leagues from Shore. Sounded, and had no ground with 70 fathoms Line. A little before Noon we passed a little Narrow opening in the land, where there appear'd to be a very Snug Harbour,[2] form'd by an Island, in the Lat. of 45° 16′ S.; inland, behind this Opening, were Mountains, the summits of which were Cover'd with Snow that seem'd to have fallen lately, and this is not to be wondered at, for we have found it very cold for these 2 days past. The land on each side the Entrance of this Harbour riseth almost perpendicular from the Sea to a very considerable Height; and this was the reason why I did not attempt to

  1. Dusky Bay is one of the remarkable inlets known now as the New Zealand Sounds. They are very deep, narrow fiords, running into the high mountains, that here come close to the shore, and are much visited now for the sake of the grandeur of the scenery. Cook visited and surveyed Dusky Bay in his next voyage.
    The Endeavour had nearly as much tempestuous weather in rounding the south end of New Zealand as she had off the North Cape; but Cook managed to get a very fair idea of the coast, notwithstanding, by dint of perseverance.
  2. Doubtful Sound, another of the fiords mentioned in note above.