Page:Captain Ward and the Rain-Bow.pdf/5

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Go home, go home, ſays Captain Ward,
and tell your king from me,
If he reigns king upon dry land.
I will reign king on ſea.


THO’ late I was a waiter to run up and down,
With bottles, glaſſes claret, rum, and brandy O,
Now an officer I'm made, I'll have ſervants of my own,
And be among the ladies, quite the dandy O.

My gravet ſtick out like a pedgeons breaſt,
My hat ſo ſmart, my ſword ſo long, ſo handy O.
Like a ſheeps tail at each ear, my hair completely dreſt,
and my military que, you ſee is the dandy O.

My patent blue rib'd ſtockings, I wear with a grace,

and my watch chains on each ſide hang down ſo grandy O,