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General Lists of Works

WORKS OF FICTION. By H. BxDXB Haooabd. She : a History of Adventare. Illustrated. Grown 8yo. Zt. id. Allan Qnatermain. lUnstrated. Crown 8vo. 3«. 6d, Maiwa's Revenge. 2«. Ms. ; Si. 6d. d. Colonel Qnaritch. Crown 8yo. Cleo patra. Illnstrated. 6<. By the Barl of bBACOhSPiiCLD. Vivian Grey. Ab^y, Ixlon, ifco. Venetia. Sndymion. Ooninfreby. The Young Duke. Lothair. Contarini Fleming, Tanored. Henrietta Temple. Sybil. ^ Frioe U. each, bds. ; U. id. each, cloth. The HuGBXKDKN Edition. With 2 Portraits and 11 Vignettes. 11 vols. Crown 8vo. 42*. By G. J. Whytb-Mklvillk. The Gladiators. I Kate Coventry, The Interpreter. Digby Grand. Holmby House. | General Bounce, Good for Nothing. Queen's Maries. Price 1«. each, bds. ; 1j. dd. each, cloth. By Elizabbth M. Bbwell. Amy Herbert. CleveHall. Gertrude. Ivors. TTrsnla. Earl's Daughter. The Experience of Life. A Glimpse of the World. Elatharine Ashton. Margaret PercivaL Laneton Parsonage. U,Bd. each, oloth; 2<.eAeach. gilt edges. By Mrs. Moleswobtu. Marrying and Giving in Marriage. P rice 2*. 6d. By DOBOTHSA Gbraud. Orthodox. Price 6*. By Mat Kendall. Such is Life. 6«. By Mrs. Oliphant. In Trust. | Madam. Price U, each, bds. : 1«. Sd, each, cloth. Lady Car. 2*. 6d, By G. H. JB880P. Judge Lynch. 6s, Gerald Ffrench*s Friends. 6s, By A. 0. DOTLB. Mioah Clarke. By G. G. A. Mubbay. Gobi or Shamo. 6*. By Jamk Patn. ' The Luck of the Danells. Thicker than Water. Is, ea ch, boards; l<. 6 <i. each, doth. By Anthont Tbollopb. The Warden. Barchester Towers. !<• ea ch, boards ; Is, 6d, each, cloth. By Bbbt Habtb. In the Carqnines Woods. Price 1*. boards ; 1*. 6d, doth. On the Frontier. By Shore and Sedge. Price U, each, sewed. By BoBBBT L. Stevknson. The Dynamiter. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Is, ea ch, sewed ; Is, 6d, each, doth. By R. L. Stbvbnson and L. Osboubnb. The Wrong Box. 6*. By Edna Ltall. The Autobiography of a Slander. Price If. sewed. By F. AirsTBT. The Black Poodle, and other Stories. Price 2s. boards ; is. 6d. doth. By the Authuk of thb » atblibb du LT8.» The Atelier du Lys. 2*. 6d, Mademoiselle Mori. 2s. 6d. In the Olden Time. 2«. 6d, Hester's Venture. 2s. Bd. By Mrs. Dbland. John Ward, Preacher. 2s, boards ; 2s. 6d, clotb. By W. Hkkkikb Bollock. A Nine Men's Morrioe. 6f . By Chkbtie MxruBAYdB Ht. Hbbman. Wild Darrie. 6s, By Chbibtib Mubbat & Hy. Mubbat. A Dangerous Oatspaw. 2s. 6d, By J. A. Fboudb. The Two Chiefs of Dnnboy. 6s, By Jambs Bakbb. By the Western Sea. 6s. By W. E. NoBBiB. Mr». Fenton : a Sketch. 6s, LONGMANS, aBE£N, ISc CO., London and New York. J