Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/102

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open outward and downward, and above each hay rack there is a rest shelf for the doe, to enable her to get away from the youngsters who have a continual appetite once they commence to run around in the hutch.

The other side of the hutch has the same appearance as the side shown in the picture. The floor is made of 1 by 1 slats set half an inch apart and the center partition rests on top of these slats. The floor in the nest box is made solid in order to afford plenty of protection to the youngsters in cold weather. Young rabbits, you know, are not brooded as a hen broods her chicks, so it is necessary to take every precaution to keep them warm. The mother doe will pull all of her fur off that it is possible to pull out to keep them warm, but sometimes, even then, they will freeze. The only young rabbits that I have ever lost were frozen.

Complete plans for this hutch, as well as for the others mentioned, are given herewith.

This hutch, providing as it does, four hutches,