Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/119

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length in a subsequent chapter, but this is a point that must be kept in mind.

Sanitation. Sanitation is the preventive of most rabbit evils and diseases. Keep things clean. Your success depends upon that. And not only be clean, but disinfect the hutches at least once a week. Do not use coal tar disinfectants as they are repugnant to the rabbit's sense of smell. Use pine oil disinfectants or those having a sweet smell. Special rabbit disinfectants are to be found in every supply dealer's stock.

Disinfect thoroughly. This means getting in all corners of the hutch and nest boxes. A small spray pump can be purchased for fifty cents at any seed house and it will be worth many times its cost to you.

Young Stock. Do not disturb the newly arrived litter until the second or third day and then be very sure that the strong light does not fall directly upon them as it may cause blindness. Count the litter and destroy the small, puny ones.