Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/148

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The purpose in market feeding is to encourage just as rapid a growth as possible in order to get the fullest weight and development from the stock at the earliest possible moment. It is in market feeding that regularity is most important.

While it should never be advisable to attempt to force the growing stock for weight, we do not proceed along the leisurely way that we do when feeding for breeding stock. We do not limit the ration to a certain amount per day, but give the youngsters all that they can eat, just so long as it is not dangerous.

One has to be careful with the growing stock, especially right after they are weaned, that they do not get too much to eat. They are not only apt to have digestive troubles, but also to be pot-bellied, which is caused by the intestinal tract growing too fast for the rest of the body. This is generally fatal to the little fellows.

Market stock must have the mash mentioned in the preceding chapter and they