Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/164

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to young stock at all, but that it is better to continue them on a strict diet of grain, hay and milk.

Young stock which have been fed green food in an improper state or who have had too much of it, very often suffer from a disorder of the digestive tract which is known as "slobbers." This disease is generally fatal, and while serious in its effects even where not fatal, it is something that should occur very rarely if the stock have the proper ration.

In discussing the feeding of nursing does we mentioned the desirability of feeding the nursing doe some green food each day in order to accustom the youngsters to it in her milk. The reason for this was that if the doe was not fed green food during pregnancy a sudden change to it while she was nursing would cause trouble among the youngsters.

The doe should have a green food every day, but as soon as the young stock commence to run around in the hutch, you will have to remove the doe to another hutch while you