Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/173

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eye will be clear and bright. He will seem to be in the very strength of his being. He will be active and full of that quality known as "pep." He is not sluggish and stupid in his movements.

Where you are raising your own young stock, this quality of constitutional vigor is apparent in the animals from birth. There is always one or two in every litter that are larger and better developed than the rest.

They will grow faster, mature faster than those other rabbits born on the same day and having the same care and attention from the start. These are the fellows to set aside for breeding purpose, if you are looking for strong constitutional vigor and want good breeders, regardless of quality.

Of course, these rapid growers often will not make show rabbits, because they are not that kind, but this is no reason why they should be sacrificed in the frying pan. They are worth too much for another purpose, and when you stop to consider that hardly a utility