Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/183

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In breeding rabbits, always take the doe to the buck's hutch and put her inside. If she does not accept service, but fights or runs and squeals, take her out and try her again next day. If the doe proves persistent over a long period of time, it is well to dispose of her for meat stock, as she certainly will not prove to be a desirable breeder.

The doe and buck should be about the same age. By that I mean do not breed excessively young does to old bucks, although you will find some people advocating breeding old bucks to young does and young bucks to old does. There may be something to be gained by this in some instances, but it is far better to breed animals in their prime. In the long run you will get better results from the mating.

As soon as the doe has accepted service, remove her to her own hutch and let her alone.