Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/201

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for time and a little behind on his schedule. With his fancy show stock he does not breed but twice a year and allows the doe to nurse the young for nearly three months. Each doe is allowed to handle only three youngsters. What does this prove to the beginner?

It should at least point out the fact that it pays to go slow in the breeding business and to take your does into consideration. I have seen excellent breeding does absolutely ruined in a season's forcing for some of the wonderful results that some dealers are claiming are possible with rabbits.

It is true that "pigs is pigs" but it is better to take Nature in consideration if you want to build substantially and achieve lasting and permanent success.

The young stock will commence to eat as soon as they get their eyes open and get out of the nest box, but they still need the help of the mother's milk.

By the time they are seven or eight weeks old they will be in a position to handle the