Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/224

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the ribs and remove the intestines. This is a very easy operation. Five minutes after killing the rabbit, it should be ready to place in the cooling water.

As soon as the intestines, have been removed, wash the carcass thoroughly in cold water. It may either be placed in the water to cool whole or cut into pieces ready to cook. The object is to drive out the animal heat quickly. Many people accomplish this by pouring a quart of ice cold water into the vent immediately after making the incision in the skin preparatory to skinning the animal. While desirable, it is not necessary.

If you are killing your own rabbit, the best time to do it is the night before you wish to serve it upon the table. In winter it can be killed several days in advance of time of serving provided it is allowed to freeze. The best time, however, is about ten to twelve hours before the time of serving.

There are many different ways of preparing the domesticated rabbit. It may be served