Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/226

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Fried Rabbit

Cut into pieces and sprinkle each piece with a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Fry like chicken to a nice brown, in lard and butter, taking from thirty to sixty minutes according to age.

Stewed Rabbit

Cut into pieces and place them in a kettle, just covering with water. Let it come to a boil, then skin and add some salt and a large piece of butter. Stew it until dry and done, but be careful not to let it burn. The meat is then removed to a dish, a tablespoonful of flour placed in the kettle, stir well, adding cream and milk, pepper slightly and pour it over the meat.

Another very common way to stew the rabbit is to place the pieces in a kettle, add hot water, small pieces of fresh fat pork, and salt, and place over the fire and cook until dry and done. After allowing it to fry for a short time, place the meat in a dish, put a tablespoonful of flour in the kettle, adding about