Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/241

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tion yourself. There is no use trying to please the fellow who wants all of the protection on his side and who isn't fair enough to give a rap as to how you are protected. These people are generally the trouble makers and curiosity seekers, anyway, and have no value to you or anyone else as customers.

It is not a wise plan to sell stock less than five months of age for breeding purposes. The reason for this is that no man can tell what the breeding value of an animal is going to be under that age. If you sell them too young they may turn out to be scrubs and that will hurt your reputation. If you happen to sell a prize winner for little or nothing, that hurts you.

Stock should not be shipped in the heat of summer. The express messengers are not as careful of live stock shipments as they should be, and it is not at all out of the ordinary to have a whole shipment smothered in the summer. The best time to ship stock is in the Spring and Fall. Winter shipments can also be carried on successfully, provided you are careful to fix the shipping crates so that the