Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/253

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sneezes, shakes its head and tries to rub its nostrils with the forepaws. There is a discharge from the nostrils which, at first, is white but later changes to yellow. This discharge is a thick substance and is very annoying to the animal.

There has been a great deal of discussion as to whether snuffles is incurable. Many experts claim that the only remedy after the rabbit has passed from the cold to the snuffles stage is the ax. There are dozens of snuffles remedies on the market. We have tried many of them, but with indifferent success.

Discoveries have lately been made which prove that snuffles is a germ disease, a disease that fastens itself in the blood of the animal. It is not merely a nose disorder, so those remedies which look to a clearance of the nostrils are really working in the wrong direction. The proper way to cure such a disorder is to clear the system, drive out the germ from the blood, and it stands to reason that the nose discharge will cease when that is done.