Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/256

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rabbit should be isolated from the rest of the herd and be placed in a comfortable place where it will be free from dampness and draughts. If possible try to keep it warm and it should be tempted to eat, if possible.

But be very careful not to feed green food to a rabbit in such a condition. It is better to stick to good whole oats and clean hay while treating the rabbit for snuffles.

Ten drops of aconite, which can be bought at any drug store, mixed in a gallon of water, should be given it to drink for a period of two days. This will aid in cleaning out the system. A mixture composed of one-third sanitas oil and two-thirds olive oil will make an excellent application to clean out the nostrils. It is best administered by placing it in a small oil can and forcing it into the nostrils. The best way to hold the rabbit while doing this is to place it between your knees and grasp it by the ears in order to steady its head.

A washing of carbolic soap around the outside of the nose and the inside of the fore-