Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/27

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and the details as to their care have been properly worked out and systematized. They need to be fed only twice a day and many breeders feed only once a day. That can be arranged by the attendant to suit his own convenience. Where hay racks are used and large feed dishes, it is not necessary to feed more than once a day.

A few minutes' time daily will keep the rabbits in fine shape and the attendant can devote the rest of his day to something else. But the rabbits cannot be neglected and expected to thrive. They can be made a source of nuisance and disgrace to yourself and the neighborhood. They can be kept in dirty hutches and fed diseased food and you will soon be burying them by the dozen.

Where rabbits are properly kept, they will provide a means of recreation and profit to any man, regardless of where he may live or what he may do. They will be the center of interest of your neighbors, whether you live on a farm or in a village or a large city. Most people love them, and so will you.