Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/32

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he is better contented and a better producer in a small space. This makes it possible to house more rabbits in a given space than any other animal.

Since they are kept in small hutches, one may be placed above the other and the capacity of the ground available doubled or trebled as the case may be. A small corner near the fence, for instance, which is only five feet by six feet, will easily take care of eight hutches along a modified Sanderson plan. These eight hutches filled with good breeding stock should produce as much as eight hundred pounds of rabbit meat within the space of one year after commencing operations.

For the benefit of those who are anxious to have some figures on the possibilities of rabbits, and who belong to that class who cannot enthuse unless they see some real possibilities in the form of a good profit, I am going to suggest a few "figures" which the reader can follow to their logical conclusion.