Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/72

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like. We all have our whims as to type and color and since there are so many breeds answering every purpose and desire, there is no reason why we should not have the stock that not only interests us but appeals to us as well.

There are two or three ways which one can adopt in getting a start. Young rabbits can be purchased from breeders when about three to five months for considerably less than they would cost when matured. Generally it is possible to get a good pair or trio of young stock for about half what the same animals would sell for if matured.

Of course, this will involve a wait of several months before you can get any returns from the stock in the way of youngsters, but the wait will be worth while in more ways than one.

It will give the beginner a chance to get acquainted with the rabbits and often an opportunity to prevent serious mistakes that would have cost him a lot of money had he started out with a large herd of matured animals.