Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/76

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right to return the stock is accorded if not satisfactory. A breeder who will not give you this right proclaims himself to be dishonest from the start or to have diseased stock, or both.

As soon as the rabbits arrive take them to some one in the community who knows something about good stock and have him pass on them, particularly some one who knows the breed you have bought.

If your rabbits sneeze and there is a white discharge in the nose or they wheeze when breathing, put them in the crate and send them back. They are too dear at any price In this condition no matter how nice a coat they may be wearing or how "cute" they are; likewise if they have crooked tails, feet, or if the hair on the inside of the front feet is matted and rumpled up. These are "weather signs" which all experienced breeders recognize at first sight, but which sometimes get by the novice and beginner.

But do not be unreasonable in your expectations. Remember that a railroad journey is