Page:Carnegie Flexner Report.djvu/312

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(2) Jefferson Medical College. An independent institution.

Entrance requirement: A high school education or its equivalent. Of all independent schools outside New York state, this institution comes nearest to obtaining its published entrance requirements. It lacks, however, an organization adapted to the evaluation of secondary school credentials. A fair percentage of those admitted have had some college work.

Attendance: 591, of whom 57 per cent are from Pennsylvania.

Teaching staff: 12, Of whom 2 are professors, 100 of other grade. Seven instructors devote their entire time to the school.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees only, amounting to $102,995. Part of the school income is, however, diverted in order to pay off building mortgages. The hospital has independent sources of support.

Laboratory facilities: An attractive building contains separate laboratories for anatomy, physiology, chemistry, pathology, histology, bacteriology, and pharmacy. The equipment is in general modern and adequate to the needs of undergraduate instruction; in certain departments, e.g., anatomy and bacteriology, additional activity is in progress. Lack of space and means restricts the school to undergraduate teaching. There are an attractive library, museum, and other teaching accessories.

Clinical facilities: The Jefferson Hospital—a modern structure, with 228 teaching beds, belonging to the institution—adjoins the laboratory building; it is connected with a dispensary which supplies an abundance of material. The maternity department, with 17 beds, occupies a separate building. Students are freely admitted to the hospital wards and its clinical laboratory.

The plant of the institution is therefore modern and compact.

Date of visit: March, 1909.

(3) Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Organized 1881. An independent school.

Entrance requirement: Less than a four-year high school education.

Attendance: 480, 82 per cent from Pennsylvania.

Teaching staff: 109, of whom 213 are professors, 86 of other grade. No teachers devote their entire time to medical instruction; three teachers, however, devote themselves entirely to the school, if the dental and pharmacy departments are counted in.

Resources available for maintenance: Fees, amounting to $48,281.

Labratory facilities: Well equipped for ordinary undergraduate teaching are the laboratories of physiology, chemistry, pathology, and bacteriology. Anatomy is practically limited to dissecting, with some drawing and modeling, the professor