Page:Carroll - Game of Logic.djvu/47

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§ 2.]

any more than you can console a man, for having knocked down one of his chimneys, by giving him an extra door-step.

If you meet with Syllogisms of this kind, you may work them, quite easily, by the system I have given you: you have only to make 'are' mean 'are capable of being', and all will go smoothly. For "some are " will become "some are capable of being ", that is, "the Attributes , are compatible". And "no are " will become "no are capable of being ", that is, "the Attributes , are incompatible". And, of course, "all are " will become "some are capable of being , and none are capable of being ", that is, "the Attributes , are compatible, and the Attributes , are incompatible." In using the Diagrams for this system, you must understand a red counter to mean "there may possibly be something in this compartment," and a grey one to mean "there cannot possibly be anything in this compartment."