Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/352

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holding out the jug to Bruno. "Dip in your finger, and taste it!"

Bruno did so, and made such an excruciatingly wry face that Sylvie exclaimed, in alarm, "Oh, Bruno, you mustn't!"

"It's welly extremely nasty!" Bruno said, as his face resumed its natural shape.

"Nasty?" said the Professor. "Why, of course it is! What would Medicine be, if it wasn't nasty?"

"Nice," said Bruno.

"I was going to say——" the Professor faltered, rather taken aback by the promptness of Bruno's reply, "——that that would never do! Medicine has to be nasty, you know. Be good enough to take this jug, down into the Servants' Hall," he said to the footman who answered the bell: "and tell them it's their Medicine for today."

"Which of them is to drink it?" the footman asked, as he carried off the jug.

"Oh, I've not settled that yet!" the Professor briskly replied. "I'll come and settle that, soon. Tell them not to begin, on any account, till I come! It's really wonderful,"