Page:Carroll Rankin--Dandelion Cottage.djvu/127

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An Unexpected Crop

"Now," said Miss Blossom, "we must go right to work. If everybody will help, father and I will put it on for you. You needn't be afraid to trust us, because, last Spring, we papered our two biggest rooms, and they really looked almost professional except for one strip that father got upside down; but your dining room will be in no danger on that score, for father never makes the same mistake twice. Jean, you and Mabel can move all the furniture except the table and sideboard into the kitchen—we'll have to stand on the table. Bettie, take down all the pictures. Father, you can be trimming the ceiling paper here on the sideboard while Marjory starts a fire in the kitchen stove so I can have hot water for my paste—we'll have our wall covered with dandelions in just no time."

"Now," said Mr. Blossom, when the furniture was out and the pictures were all down, "we must dig the soil up well or our dandelions won't grow. Everybody must