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It came, as Aladdin uprose at thy call,
The lattice of gems in that peerless hall.
A land where the sky was as April's sky,
When the blue streak spreads, and the clouds pass by.
And yet it was changeable, shine and showers
Alternately lighted and wept o'er the flowers.
There sprung together each blossom that grows,
For the snow-drop was sleeping under the rose;
The ivy was wreathing around the vine,
And the violet lay on the golden pine;
It often was lonely:—the lover's light lute
Breathed sweetly when birds and leaves were mute;
And if a sigh stole on the air,
It turn'd to music in wandering there.
Sometimes, as glimmer the shadows o'er glass,
We saw thrice glorious visions pass:
Palaces, lighted for midnight and mirth;
Cities, whose towers were the wonders of earth;
Pageants, that sparkled with gems and with gold;
Banners, that swept with each purple fold,