Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 1.djvu/61

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TO 978.]

In one of these councils held at Winchester, the majority being against the monks, they would have infallibly lost their cause, if, on a sudden, a crucifix that hung aloft in the room had not pronounced these words with an audible voice: "It shall not be done; it shall not be done. You have decided the matter well hitherto, and would be to blame to change." Astonished at this oracle, the most obstinate immediately voted for the monks.

The dispute between the regular and secular clergy gave rise to great contentions in the kingdom, many of the nobility bitterly resenting the induction of the monks into the benefices. At last a council was called, at which Archbishop Danstan presided. The assembly had not long been met before the floor of the apartment gave way—the only portion which remained intact being the beams which supported the chair of the primate, whose preservation was regarded as a miracle by the common people and the party who acted with him. After such a manifestation of the divine will, for such it was considered, all further opposition

Drawing of the Crucifixion. From Harleian MSS., 602.

ceased; the principal opponents of the measure having perished. A shrewd suspicion has been entertained that Dunstan knew beforehand what was about to occur, even if he had not secretly prepared the catastrophe, seeing that he had warned the king not to attend the meeting.

The most remarkable circumstance attending Edward was his death, which took place on March 18, 978, after a reign of three years.

He had been hunting in the neighbourhood of Corfe-Castle, the residence of his mother in-law, Elfrida, and resolved to pay her a visit. The queen hastened to receive him, and pressed him earnestly to alight; this the prince, who most probably had good reasons to suspect her feelings towards him, declined, observing that he had merely time to accept a draught of wine. In the act of drinking it, he was stabbed in the back by an assassin whom Elfrida had bribed to commit the crime which was to elevate her son Eihelred to the throne.

Finding himself wounded, the youthful monarch set spurs to his horse and fled; but, fainting from loss of blood, fell, and perished miserably. The parties sent after him by the murderess easily traced the route he had taken by the track of blood. The body was brought back to Corfe-Castle and thrown info a well, where it was afterwards found, and removed first to Wareham and afterwards to Shaftesbury where it was interred in a church founded by King Alfred.

Shortly after his death the monks spread the report that miracles were worked at his tomb; the blind were said to have received their sight, the lame to recover the use of their limbs. Elfrida, to atone for her crime, founded two convents, in one of which, at Andover, she retired, and passed the rest of her days in penitence.

Edward was canonised by the Roman Church, and is generally known as St. Edward the Martyr.


History of the Church from the Time of Egbert to the Death of Edward the Martyr.

Although many very learned writers have disputed the authenticity of the charter by which Ethelwulph granted the tithes of England to the clergy, we deem it necessary to give the document, as being important, from the rights, real or imaginary, founded upon it. If genuine, in all probability it merely conferred rights which the Anglican Church had long claimed.

"I, Ethelwulph, by the grace of God King of the West Saxons, by the advice of the bishops, earls, and other persons of distinction in my dominions, have, for the health of my soul, the good of my people, and the prosperity of my kingdom, taken the prudent and serviceable resolution of granting the tenth part of my lands throughout my whole kingdom to the Church and ministers of religion, to be enjoyed by them with all the privileges of free tenure, and discharged from all services due to the crown, and all incumbrances incidental to lay fees.

"This gift has been made by us to the Church in honour of Jesus Christ, the blessed Virgin, and all saints, and out of regard to the Paschal solemnity, and that Almighty God might vouchsafe his blessing to us and our posterity.

"Dated at the Palace of Wilton, in the year 854,
indication the second, at the feast of Easter."

By this charter, real or spurious, a tenth part of the lands only are given to the Church. It was left for the priests, in succeeding reigns, to convert the tenth part into a tenth of the produce, which certainly doss not appear upon the face of the document to have been the intention either of the king or the members of the council.