Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 1.djvu/640

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  • Camalodunum, 9, 11
  • Cambridge, University of, 38
  • Canute the Great (1017–1035), 53–59
  • Caractaous, the British general (43–50), 9, 10, 11
  • Carpenters and butchers, battle of, in the Place de-Grêve (1413), 524
  • Cassivelaunus, or Cassibelan, a British leader (54), 8
  • Catherine, Queen of Henry V., and wife of Owen Tudor (1419–1437), 547–556, 558–561, 586
  • Celestine III., Pope (1197), 241–242
  • Charles IV., King of France, surnamed Le Bel (1322–1328), 852–353
  • —— V. King of France (1360–1378), 393–396, 405, 406
  • —— VI., King of France (1380–1422), 410, 485–486
  • —— VII., King of France (1417–1460), 540, 551–552, 555–557, 560, 562–588, 591, 593, 612
  • "Chalons, the little battle of" (1274), 304
  • Charter, granted by Ethelwulph to the clergy, 47, 48
  • —— granted by Henry I., 149
  • —— granted by Stephen, 164
  • —— the great (Magna Charta), 257
  • —— renewed by Henry III. (1244), 282
  • Chaucer, Geoffrey, the "Father of English Poetry," 464–465
  • Chevy Chase, or Otterbourne, battle of (1388), 428
  • Chivalry, institution of, 116–117
  • Christianity, introduction of, into Britain, 17
  • Church in Britain, history of, from the time of Egbert to the death of Edward the Martyr, 47–50
  • —— from Ethelred 1 1, to the death of Edward the Confessor, 68–70
  • Clarence, George, Duke of, brother of Edward IV. (1464–1478), 616, 617, 620–624
  • Clarendon, constitutions of (enacted 1164), 185, 188
  • Claudius, the Emperor, his invasion of Britain (43), 9
  • Clifford, John Lord (1460), 607
  • Cobham, Sir John Oldcastle, Lord (1413–1417), 516, 518–520
  • —— Eleanor, wife of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester (1441), 588
  • Coinage, commerce, and shipping, 472–474
  • Commerce, progress of, 472–474
  • Comyn, John, Earl of Buchan (1294–1305), 317, 323, 329–332
  • Constantine, the Emperor (306–337), 17
  • —— II., King of Scotland (863–881), 39–40
  • Constantinople, ancient, description of (in 1159 or 1160), 125–127
  • Conversano, William, Count of (1100), 149
  • Cornwall, Richard, Earl of (1225–1271), 272–274, 278,1281, 284
  • Costume, 80, 141–142, 144–145, 478–480
  • Creçy, battle of (1346), 382–383
  • Crusade, account of the First (1096–1100), 119–132
  • —— the Third (1190–1197), 202, 213, 227
  • Danes in Britain, 29–35, 38, 50–59
  • Danegeld, tax of (instituted 1010), 52
  • David, King of Scotland, son of Malcolm III. (1138–1174), 165, 199
  • Dermot M'Murrough, King of Leinster (1140–1170), 194–195
  • Despenser, Hugh, favourite of Edward II. (1320–1325), 348–353
  • "Dictum de Kenilworth" (1267), 296
  • Doomsday Book, account of, 104
  • Douglas, Archibald, Earl of (1402–1424), 494, 500, 506, 557, 565, 566
  • —— Lord James (1307–1331), 344–347, 359–362
  • —— Sir Archibald, Regent of Scotland (1332), 365
  • —— Sir William, an adherent of Wallace, 321
  • Druids, 3
  • Druidical Remains, 4, 5
  • Dunstan, St., Abbot of Glastonbury (945–988), 40–47, 50
  • Dupplin Moor, battle of (1332), 366
  • Edgar, brother of King Edwy (958–975), 44–46
  • —— remarkable Oration delivered by, 45
  • —— Atheling, grandson of Edmund Ironside, 64, 88–95, 99, 113
  • Edinburgh Castle, surprise of (1307), 344
  • Editha, the "Swan necked," story of her discovery of the body of Harold (1066), 88
  • Edmund I. (940–946), 39–4
  • —— II., surnamed Ironside (1016–1017), 56–57
  • Edred, brother of Edmund Atheling (946–955), 40–41
  • Edward I., surnamed Longshanks (1272–1307), 286, 293, 300–336
  • Edward II., surnamed of Caernarvon (1307–1327), 337–356
  • —— III. (1327–1377), 353, 357–404
  • —— IV. (1461–1483), 605–624
  • —— the Martyr (975–1179), 46–47
  • —— the Confessor (1042–1066), 62–63
  • —— the Black Prince, son of Edward III. (1330), 380–383, 388–390, 398–402
  • —— the Elder, King of Wessex (901–925), 36–38
  • Edwy, son of Edmund Atheling (955–958), 42–44
  • Egbert, King of Wessex (800–836), 29
  • Eleanor, Queen of Henry II., divorced wife of Louis VII. of France (1154–1202), 173, 196, 201, 211, 218–219, 239
  • —— of Provence, Queen of Henry III. (1236), 275–278, 290
  • —— Queen of Edward I. (1253–1274), 296, 303–304
  • Elfrida, wife of Edgar the Peaceable (969–975), 46
  • Elgiva, wife of King Edwy (955–957), 44
  • Elphegus, or Alphage, Archbishop of Canterbury (1012), 53
  • Elizabeth Wydville, Queen of Edward IV. (1464), 616
  • Emma, Queen of Ethelred the Unready (1002), 52, 56, 58, 60
  • Ethelbald, son of Ethelwulph (857–860), 30
  • Ethelbert, brother of Ethelbald (860–866), 30
  • Ethelred I., son of Ethelwulph (866–871), 29
  • —— II., surnamed the Unready (979–1016), 50–56
  • Ethelwald, nephew of King Alfred (890–905), 36
  • Ethelwulph, King of Wessex (836–857), 30
  • Eustace, Prince, son of Stephen (1141–1152), 173
  • —— Count of Boulogne (1051), 63
  • Evesham, battle of (1265), 293
  • Falconry, art of, 140–141
  • Falkirk, first battle of (1298), 323
  • Fitz-Stephen, captain of the Blanche Nef(1120), 160
  • Fitzurse, Walter, one of the murderers of Becket (1170), 189–191
  • Fitz Walter, Robert, leader of the barons who obtained Magna Charta from King John (1215), 257
  • Fortress, Norman, description of, 98
  • Fortresses built by the Normans, 98
  • Fulk, Eari of Anjou (1107–1126), 137–158, 161
  • Galgacus, chief of the Caledonians (84), 15
  • Garter, Order of the (instituted 1350), 388
  • Gaiscoigne, Lord Chief Justice in the reign of Henry IV. (1405), 503 ,512
  • Gaveston, Piers, favourite of Edward II. (1307–1312), 338–344
  • Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Fulk of Anjou (1126–1150), 161, 162, 165, 170, 173
  • —— of Anjou, son of Geoffrey Plantagenet (1156–1158), 173–175, 179–181
  • —— Prince, son of Henry II. (1165–1186), 182, 195–197, 201–202
  • —— natural son of Henry II. (1154–1193), 206, 233
  • Gilbert of Umfraville, Earl of Angus (1291), 314
  • Glendower, Owen, leader of the Welsh patriots (1400–1415), 490–492, 503–508
  • Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of (1418–1447), 543, 549, 560–502, 569–573, 584, 586–590
  • —— Richard de Clare, Earl of (1259–1263), 285, 287
  • —— Gilbert de Clare, Earl of (1263–1267), 288, 293, 296
  • —— Robert, Earl of, natural son of Henry I. (1126–1147), 165, 167, 169–172
  • —— Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of (1385–1397), 423–435
  • Godfrey of Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem (1096–1100), 122–125, 128–131
  • Godwin, Earl (1035–1060), 59, 60, 62–64
  • Gourdon, Adam, a noted baron, who engaged in single combat with Edward I. (1265), 295, 296
  • Gower, John, the poet (1324–1372), 464
  • Guy, Count of Flanders (1294–1302), 325–327
  • Hadrada, Harold, King of Norway (1066), 83
  • Halidon Hill, battle of (1333), 368
  • Hardicanute (1040–1012), 61–62
  • Harold Barefoot (1035–1039), 59–60
  • —— II. (1066), 64–68, 81–88