Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 4.djvu/640

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INDEX. Fort Duquesne, 566 Fox, Mr. (1754-1760), 549 France, war with Enn;laad, 8 ; Treaty of Ryswiok, 113; war with England, 172 ; peace of Utrecht, 302 ; alliance with England, 356 ; quadruple allianco, 371 ; war with Spain, 375 ; war with England, 479 ; battle of Fontenoy, 484 ; overtures of peace, 533 ; peace of Aixla-Chapelle, 536; hostilities in Canada, 551; alliance against Prussia, 558 Frederick the Great of Prussia (1740-1760), 446, 453, 430, 485, 542, 544, 557, 563, 573, 576 Fuller's plot (1692), 56 Galway, lord (1711), 275 Gardiner, colonel (1745), 500 George I. (1714-1727), holds command in imperial army, 233 ; acces- sion to the throne and arrival in England, 327 ; his mistresses, and the odium they occasion, 333 ; harshness to the Scottish revolutionists, 351 ; unnatural hatred and jealousy of his son, 353 ; return to Hanover, 354 ; forms an alliance with France and Holland, 356 ; nefarious arrangements with Denmark, 356; proposes to his ministry making war on the Czar, 357; enters into quadruple alliance, 371 ; Spanish fleet is destroyed by Byng, 374 ; war with Spain, 407 ; death and character, 408 ; cruelty to his wife, the Princess Sophia of Zell, and her fate, 408 ; his will destroyed by his son, George II., 408 George II. (1727-1760), serves in imperial army under command of JIarlborough, 246 ; enmity against his father, 353 ; accession to the throne, and destruction of his father's will, 408 ; his avarice and rapacity, 414 ; animosity against his son, the prince of Wales, 432 ; war declared against Spain, 443 ; treachery toward the queen of Hungary, 454 ; sends troops to the Continent to the aid of Maria Theresa, 471 ; obtains the victory of Dettinpen in person, 472; treaty of Worms, 474; declares war against France, 479 ; abortive attempt of prince Charles to invade England, 478 ; the Chevalier lands in Scotland, 488; rising of clans, and Cope's retreat, 492 ; battle of Prestonpans, 500 ; the Soots enter England, 504 ; take Carlisle, 508 ; retreat from Derby, 513 ; fight the battle of Falkirk, 518; retreat to High- lands, 520 ; lose the battle of Culloden, 524 ; the Chevalier escapes from the Hebrides to France, 528 ; cruelties perpetrated by duke of Cumberland in Scotland, 526 ; execution of lords Balraerino and Kilmarnock, 530 ; death of his son, 540 ; Regency Bill to secure the succession, 540 ; dispatch of forces to America, 552 ; hostilities in Canada, 552 ; death, 579 George III. (1700) created prince of Wales on the death of his father, 540 ; his education, 545 ; deBoiencies in his character, 545 Gibraltar captured by Sir George Rooke (1704), 203 ; vainly at- tacked by Spain, 407 ; proposition to exchange for Minorca, 562 Gin Act (1736), 430 Ginckell, general, eari of Athlone (1689), 50, 87, 173 Glencoe, massacre of (1692), 59, 86 Glengarry (1715), 344 Gloucester, duke of (1695-1700), 92, 137 Godolphin, eari of (1702), 171, 262, 301 Goree taken, 566 Gortz, baron (1717), 363, 375 Granby, marquis of (1760), 578 Grandval (1692), 58 Granville, lord (Cartaret), (1722-1745), 396, 399, 461, 476, 483 Great storm throughout England (1703), 189 Greenwich Hospital established (1692), 64; grant of confiscated estates, 351 Gaultier, abbe (1711), 280, 315 Guiscard (1711), 275 Gyllenberg, count (1717), 363 Habeas corpus suspended, 5. 99, 243, 393, 477, 507 Halifax, marquis of (1688), 83 eari of, Charles Montague (1694-1715), 77, 180, 317, 327, 333 Hamilton, duke of (1707), 237, 300 Hariey, eari of Oxford (1702-1717), 155, 164, 230, 243, 251, 275, 312, 320, 365 Haversham, lord (1705), 213 Hawke, admiral (1747), 533, 573 Hearth tax abolished (1689), 5 Highland regiments organised (1757), 560 Hoadley, bishop (1705), 214, 262 Hooke's plot, 236 Hosier, admiral (1726), 407 Indemnity Bill (1690), 28 India, foundation of the British empire therein by Clive, 564 ; successes of colonel Coote, 573 Invasion of England plotted in Sweden (1717), 363 Ireland : revolution in favour of king James, 15 ; his landing, 16 ; repeals the Act of Settlement, and authorises general confisca- tion of Protestant property, 21 ; king William takes the field, 30 ; obtains the victory of the Boj-ne, 35 ; besieges Limerick, 37 ; king James flies to France, 37 ; general misery produced by the war, pacification by treaty of Limerick. 51 ; 10,000 troops emigrate to France. 51 Jacobite conspiracies, 56, 96, 189, 236, 393, 477 James II. (1689-1701) invades Ireland : arbitrary acts, 18 ; repeals the Act of Settlement, 21 ; general confiscation of Protestant property, 21 ; defeated at battle of Boyne by king William III., 35 ; dastardly flight and return to France, 37 ; proclamation, 62 ; abandons himself to superstitious austerities at La Trappe and dies, 161 Jews naturalised by act of parliament (1753), afterwards repealed on account of popular clamours, 545 Kenn, bishop (1702), 172 Kidd, captain (1701), 132 Killiecrankie, battle of (1689), 12 Kilmarnock, lord (1745), 530 Kirke, colonel (1689), 20 La Hogue, battle of (1692), 63 Land bank established (1696), 101 Landen, battle of (1093), 71 Lauzun (1690), 33, 38 Legion memorial (1701), 155 Liege reduced (1702), 176 Limerick capitulates to Ginckell (1691), 51 Literature and science in England, 593 Littleton, lord (1737), 434 Lochiel (1744), 490 Locke, 596 Londonderry, siege and heroic defence of Protestant garrison (1689), 20 Louis XIV. (1689-1715) takes the field against William III., 70 ; makes peace with Savoy, 105 ; makes peace with Allies, 113 ; enters into the partition treaty, 123 ; breaks it, 141 ; prohibits trade with England, 102; proclaims the son of James II. king of England, 160, war declared with England, 172 ; succession of reverses in Germany and Flanders, 201 ; makes overtures of peace uselessly, 227 ; plots invasion of England, 243 ; renews offers of peace, 255, 269 ; peace of atrecbt, 302 ; death and character, 335 Louis XV. (1744-1760), quadruple alliance, 371 ; war with Spain, 375 ; with England, 479 ; enters Flanders, and takes command in person, 480 ; sickness, 480 ; Fontenoy, 4S4 ; peace of Alx-la- Chapelle, 536 ; Canadian war, 551 Louisburg and Cape Breton captured (1745), 533 Louisburg taken, 566 Lovat, lord (1703-1745), 1S9, 494, 525, 530 Luxemburg, marshal (1691), 47, 70 Mackay, general (1689), 9, 12 Malaga, battle of (1704), and defeat of Frcncli licet by O. Rooke and C. Shovel, 203 Malplaquet, battle of (1709), 260