Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 4.djvu/642

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628 INDEX. Savoy, duke of (1692), 50, 105, 18S, 218 • Saxe, marshal (1745), 484, 536 Schism Bill (1714), 317 Schomberg(l(J91), 22, 35 Scotland : crown offered by oonvantion to William and Mary, 10 ; civil war, 12—40; pacification and establishment of Presby- teriani^m, 42 ; massacre of Glencoe, 59 ; excitement regardmg the Daricn scheme, 137 ; discussions on the proposed union, 173 ; opposition to government, 193 ; union to England, and last session of Scots parliament, 221 ; discontent, 234 ; rebellion of 1715, 33G — 350 ; abortive attempt at invasion, 377 ; rebellion of 1745, landing of the Chevalier, expedition into England, retreat, rout of Culloden, dispersloQ of insurgents, flight of the Chevalier, 48S— 532 Sculpture in England, 611 Septennial Bill (1716), 353 Seven Years' War commences, 558 Sheriffmuir (1755), 344 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley (1694-1707), SI, 102, 203, 209, 233 Shrewsbury, duke of (1689-1714), 107, 268, 301, 322, 327 Sicily seized by Spain (1718), 372 Somers, lord (1689-1714), 69, 111, 123, 137, 153, 250, 328 Sophia, the electress (1701-1714), 145, 213, 315, 310 , princess of Zell (1726), 408 South Sea scheme (1711-1721), 276, 386 Spanish succession, disputes and emulation excited by it (1698), 117 Stair (1688), 8, 225 , lord (1743), 335, 472, 473 Stanhope, lord (1710-1721), 273, 328, 358, 372, 389 , colonel, lord Harrington (1731), 416 Staremberg, count (1707), 239 Steele, Sir Kichard (1714), 311 Steinkirk, battle of (1692), 58 St. Ruth (1091), 50 Succession seciu'ed to electress Sophia and her issue by parliament (1701), 145 Sunderland, carl of (1689-1703), 74, 116, 161, 182 , second earl of (1703-1721), 2.30, 268, 358, 389 Swedish amb.assador arrested in London (1717), 363 Smft, dean (1711-1723), 274, 290, 310, 398, 597 Tallard (1698), 120 Tallmache (1694), 80 Taxation, 108, 583 Teignmouth burnt by French admiral, Tourville (1690), 39 Temple, lord (1757-1760), 563, 575 Ticonderoga taken, 509 Tillotson, archliishop (1C94), 82 Torrington, lord (Herbert) (1689), 21, 29, 38, 42 Toulon l)ombardod by English (1707), 233 Toumay taken by allies (1709), 257 Tourville, admirivl (1690), 39 Townshend. lord (171G), 358, 362, 389, 416 Trevor, Sir John (1689), 26, 84 Trial of S.icheverel (1710), 263 Triennial Bill (1694), S3 Triple alliance (1717), 356 Turin, battle of (1706), 218 Tyrconnel, earl of (1689-1691), 14, 36, 48, 51 Union of England and Scotland proposed, 167 ; effected, 221 ; at- tempt to abolish it, 305 Utrecht, peace of (IHS), 302 Vaudemont (1695), 8" Vendome, due de (1706), 218, 248 Vernon, admiral (1741), 456 Vigo captured by Sir G. Rooke (1702), 177 Villafranca, battle of (1719), 381 Villeroi, marshal (1695), 88, 218 Villars, marshal (1709), 256, 299 Wager, commodore (1708), 249 Walpole, Sir Robert, earl of Orford (1708-1745), 243, 290, 327, 333 364, 384, 408, 443, 447, 459, 469, 477, 484 , Horatio (1716), 3.58, 364 W.ashington, colonel George (1755), 551 Waterloo, Marlborough operates on the field of (1705), 20S Wharton, lord (1714), 317, 333 , duko of (1721), 389, 405 William III. (1689-1702), accession, 2 ; demands supplies to carrj' on the war against Franco, and initiates the national debt, 3 ; tolerant measures, 5 ; declares war against France, 8 ; crown offered by Scots Convention, accepted, 10 ; takes the field in Ireland, 30 ; victory of the Boyne, 35 ; besieges Limerick, 37 ; return to England, 38 ; pacification of Ireland, 51 ; takes the field agamst Luxembourg in Flanders, 57 ; battle of Steinkirk, 58 ; plot for his assassination, 5Q ; loses battle of Landen, 71 ; invests Namur, 88 ; Jacobite plots, 95 ; treaty of Ryswick, 113; agrees to partition of Spanish succession, 123 ; foiled by the treachery of Louis XIV., 143 ; acknowledges the duke of Anjou king of Spain, 149 ; forms the grand alliance between England, Holland, and the emperor, 159 ; fatal accident and death, 107 ; character and genius, 168 — 170 Windham, Sir William (1714), 338, 442 Woodstock manor granted to duke of Marlborough (1705), 205 Wolfe, general (U.W), 566, 570, 573 Worms, treaty of (1713), 474 CiSSELl, PETTEB, AHD GAIPIS, BELIE SADVAGE WOEKS, LOKtOtf, E.C.