Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 7.djvu/639

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Note.The dates affixed to the names, thus ( ), represent in the case of particular events the period of the occurence, and in other cases include the year during which the persons named figure in this History.

Abercrombie, Mr., 248, 388, 437

Acre, Capture of (1841), 481

Act, Poor Law Amendment (1836), 278

Adelaide, Queen, 155

——— Coronation of, 201

Administration, Colonial, 395

Afghanistan, War in (1841), 550

Agitation, League (1843), 5G3

Agrarian Outrages (1830), 173

Agricultural Distress (1823), 80, 268

Alison, Sir A., 415

Albert, Prince, Income of (1840), 419

Allen, William (1822), 75

Almack's, 383

Amherst, Lord, 276

Anglesea, Lord, 106, 121, 127, 134, 174

Anti-Corn-Law League, 562

Appropriation Clause, Abandonment of, 401

Arago, 364

Arnold, Dr, 202

Ashburton, Lord, 547

Ashley, Lord, 408, 544

Association, Precursor (1839), 426

Babbage, Mr., 368

Banquet to Sir R. Peel, at Merchant Taylors' Hall, 400

Barry, Sir Charles, 375

Belgium severed from Holland (1830), 168

Bell, Dr., 334

Bectinck, Lord George, 591

Bergami, 15—30

Bexley, Lord, 71

Bill of Pains and Penalties, 11

Birmingham, Reform Demonstration at (1832), 212

Blessington, Lady, 377

Boroughmongering System (1831), 187

Boyton, Dr, 247

Broach of Privilege, Case of (1831), 189

Brewster, Sir David, 367

Bright, John, 533, 577

Bristol Riots (1831), 199

British and Foreign School Society (1808), 334

British Guiana (1838), 399

British Legion, Formation of (1838), 405

Brotherton, Mr. (1836), 277

Brougham, Lord, 5, 8, 25, 156, 167, 172, 180, 539

Brunswick Clubs (1828), 125

Burdett. Sir Francis, 112

Bushe, Chief Justice

Canada (1834), 275-277

———, Rebellion in (1837), 389

———,New Constitution for, 393

Canning, Mr., 12, 60, 71, 79, 101, 104

Caroline, Queen, 5

———, Trial of, 15

———, Death of (1821), 39

Catholic Association, Act for Suppression, 112, 137

————————, Defence of (1824), 94

————————, Emancipation Bill (1829), 137

————————, Formation of (1824), 92

Chalmers, Dr., 354

Chartist Movement, Commencement of (1838), 417

———, Meeting at Kersal Moor, 419

———, Leaders, Trials of, 422

China, Rupture with (1834), 462

———, Trade with, Opening of {1840), 470

———, Treaty of Peace (1843), 479

Chinese War (1840), 471-479

Cholera, Mortality from (1831), 203

Church of England, Extension of, 344

Clare Election, 116

Coal Mines, Condition of Workers in, 543

Cobbett, William, 27, 80

Cobden, Mr., 533, 581

Combination Laws, 501

Commerce, Restrictions on, 493

Commercial Crisis (1824-5), 86

Commons, House of, Collision between, and Queen'a Bench, 450

Communication, Improvements of, 313

Conspiracy, Cato Street, 2

Conservative Majority, Return of a (1841), 489

Conyngham, Lady, 56, 59

Coolies, Importation of, into British Guiana, 399

Corn Laws, 506 - 543

——, Effect of, on Trade, 525

——, Importation Bill (1846), 599

Corporations, Irish (1836), 266

Crime, Effects of Education on, 343

Cumberland, Duke of, 272

Curtis, Dr., 132

Dawson, Mr., 129

Denman, Mr., 10

Disraeli and O'Connell (1835), 260

Dissenting Grievances, 240

Distress, Agricultural, 80, 268

Doyle, Dr., 146